In the SciNQuest 2024-2025, students will have the opportunity to participate in three major competitions.
- MathQuest – Mathematics themed Quiz
- BrainQuest – Science themed Quiz
- FutureQuest – Science Exhibition-cum-competition
SciNQuest consists of two themed Quizzes MathQuest & BrainQuest. One is with a Mathematic theme and one with a Science theme. The purpose of both Quizzes is to generate interest and curiosity towards those subjects, not to conduct exam or test the depth of awareness in these subjects.
These are NOT examinations that ask you formulae and problems, but any stream of knowledge CONNECTED to these subjects can get featured as questions. That means Current Affairs, History & Politics, Geography, Business, Art & Culture (including Music, movies etc..), Literature, Sports & Games, Religion and Mythology – any of these major topics connected to Mathematics can be asked in MathQuest, the same is the case with BrainQuest – any of the above topics having any kind of connection with Science can get featured as a Question.
More importantly the Questions, rounds and formats will be a gamification that along with the knowledge, test and help in gradually enhance certain skill sets of the participants, including Observation, Analytical Skills, Logical Reasoning, Lateral Thinking, Decision making, Team work, Time Management and Risk Management as curated by the Research & Content team of Q Factory under the Quiz Man Mr. Snehaj Srinivas (known as Quiz Man of Kerala).
In short, the syllabus for MathQuest is ANYTHING interesting with a Mathematics connection and syllabus for BrainQuest is ANYTHING with a Science connection, could be music or movies or sports or persons or places or nature or what not.
Both the Quizzes are certified by IQA Asia chapter, this means all the participants will get an IQA certification right from the online stage. For further Queries or for clarification regarding the Quiz topics, you can contact : +91 79076 35399
FutureQuest is a National Level Science Exhibition come competition. The participants can upload an abstract of your project/idea while registering for the event. Our expert panel will review it and inform you in your registered Email whether the idea is Selected/Waitlisted/Rejected for the competition. Selected teams can come and participate in the onsite round of competition at Amritapuri Campus of Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham on January 10, 11 and win exciting cash prizes.
Apart from these competitions, there will be workshops and invited lectures by scientific experts (ISRO, VSSC, DST etc.) in various fields. Exhibition stalls from top Govt. and Private research agencies will be there to invoke the curiosity in the young minds on the cutting-edge scientific research. The participants are also allowed visit various research labs and facilities of the campus.