The Center offers a multidisciplinary Ph D in Materials Science and Engineering in coordination with the School of Engineering and School of Physical Sciences. Students from diverse disciplines can join the program including from engineering (Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Materials Science Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Nanotechnology, Biotechnology) and science (Chemistry, Materials Science, Nanoscience) streams. The focus of the program is to enable the scholar to pursue specialized research track in one of the research themes the Center engages in, while gaining broad-based training in materials synthesis, characterization, modification. Scholars typically go through coursework in their first year even as they get initiated into research training and supervised research. At the conclusion of the coursework, they have to appear for and pass a comprehensive oral examination. Typically by the end of next year, they have carried out sufficient preliminary research and obtained and interpreted results to prepare a quality research publication and a clearer roadmap to their PhD. At this point, they write a thesis proposal and defend it. Upon further maturity of their work, they present two Open Seminars, publish more papers and submit a synopsis and thesis. This is the broad overview of the milestones in the PhD program.