Nearly 25 teachers of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, from around the country attended a Re-orientation Training Program at Amrita’s School of Ayurveda during November 9-14, 2009. All participants were postgraduates in the respective fields.
The program was sponsored by the Department of Ayush, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of India. It was coordinated by Rashtriya Ayurveda Vidyapeeth, New Delhi. The venue chosen was Amrita, partly because of the excellent infrastructure available at this school.
“We had submitted a proposal,” stated Dr. A. Nandakumar, Professor at the Amrita School of Ayurveda, who coordinated the program. “It is rare for the Department of Ayush to sanction such a program to an institution that is less than 10 years old. Of course, our NAAC accreditation was also an added advantage.”
Rasashastra is the study of pharmaceutical processing of metals, minerals and marine products and their therapeutic utility. Bhaishajya Kalpana is the science of pharmaceutics that focuses on preparation of Ayurvedic compound medicines. The training program intended to familiarize practioners with the latest developments in the field.
“Such re-orientation programs are the need of hour,” stated Br. Sankara Chaitanya, Amrita School of Ayurveda’s Medical Director, in his welcome speech. Dr. P.K. Prajapati, HoD of the Department of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana at the Gujarat Ayurveda University in Jamnagar was the Chief Guest at this inaugural function.
Incidentally, Gujarat Ayurveda University is the first statutory university of its kind both at the national and international levels. It is exclusively devoted to the study and research of Ayurveda and offers courses at U.G., P.G. and Ph.D. levels.
Over the following days, delegates gained an exposure to the practical aspects of the twin disciplines of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana. Nearly 15 experts from around the nation shared their knowledge with the delegates.
There is a plan for the establishment of an ideal Ayurvedic pharmacy as per the GMP norms vis-à-vis the concept of Rasashastra,” Dr. J. L. N. Sastry, Former Advisor to Dabur India Ltd, told the delegates.
Dr. Sastry has authored several texts on pharmacology in ayurveda. He also spoke about acute and chronic toxicity studies of heavy metals used in Ayurvedic medicines and pharmacotherapeutic properties of metals and minerals with their recent research data.
“Quality control of Ayurvedic medicines based on GMP norms is essential today,” emphasized Dr. A. Saraswathy, Director, CSMDRIAS, Chennai. With her 30 years of experience in ayurveda drugs research, she outlined a set of procedures for testing, analysis and control of Ayurvedic drugs.
Other speakers are reiterated that the Ayurvedic Pharmaceutical Industry needed stringent quality control mechanisms also. “Ayurvedic drugs need to be standardized,” they added.
Others who conducted sessions included Dr. Syamalan, HoD at Sri Gokulam Medical College and Research Foundation in Trivandrum and Dr. Sasikumar Nechiyil, Dr. K. T. George, Dr. Unnikrishnan, all renowned Ayurvedic scholars from Kerala.
Topics covered over the six days included Mineralogical Analysis of Rasadravyas, General Principles of Pharmacodynamics and Pharamacokinetics, Review of Kupipakwa Rasayana, Review of Bhasma, Processing and Latest Developments, Physico – Chemical Characteristic Features of Metals.
Dr. Arunkumar Das Puri from Orissa, Dr. Maruti Narahari from Latur (Maharashtra), Dr. Muraleedharan from Kannur (Kerala), Dr. Revati from Belgaum (Karnataka), Dr. Basavaraj Ganti from Hasan (Karnataka) and Dr. Seema from Udipi (Karnataka) all expressed their appreciation for the program.
“We received good feedback from all participants,” stated Dr. Nandakumar. “They specifically appreciated our hospitality and the hard work of our students. Even after returning home, they sent us positive remarks over emails. They have greatly appreciated the quality of the lectures that were arranged.”
Nov 27, 2009
School of Ayurveda, Amritapuri