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Prepare for a career in M. Tech.

The M.Tech. Materials Science and Engineering program is offered at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham by the Center of Excellence in Advanced Materials and Green Technologies established in May 2013, based on a grant awarded by the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD). The Center has numerous ongoing research projects covering materials for fuels/energy, electricity, construction, and water.

The program is designed to produce graduates that can apply fundamental knowledge of mathematics, physics & chemistry of materials, and statistics, to model and solve problems related to design, synthesis, performance enhancement, and optimization of materials. Recognizing the multidisciplinary nature of the field, the teaching and project guidance will be accordingly delivered by highly qualified, world-class faculty from various departments including, chemical engineering, chemistry, physics, & aerospace engineering.


The M.Tech. Materials Science and Engineering program is offered at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham by the Center of Excellence in Advanced Materials and Green Technologies established in May 2013, based on a grant awarded by the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD). The Center has numerous ongoing research projects covering materials for fuels/energy, electricity, construction, and water.

The program is designed to produce graduates that can apply fundamental knowledge of mathematics, physics & chemistry of materials, and statistics, to model and solve problems related to design, synthesis, performance enhancement, and optimization of materials. Recognizing the multidisciplinary nature of the field, the teaching and project guidance will be accordingly delivered by highly qualified, world-class faculty from various departments including, chemical engineering, chemistry, physics, & aerospace engineering.


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Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham has not appointed any Agent or Third-Party Client for securing admission in any programme. Students are hereby requested to contact only the toll-free number on our website for any admission related queries.

– Issued In Public Interest By Directorate Of Admissions And Academic Outreach


Semester I
Course Code Type Subject L T P Credits
22MA601 FC Mathematical Foundations for Materials Science 2 1 0 3
22MS601 FC Engineering Materials 3 0 0 3
22MS602 FC Materials Thermodynamics 3 1 0 4
22MS603 FC Electronic Materials Science 4 0 0 4
22MS604 SC Advanced Materials 4 0 0 4
22MS681 SC Materials Synthesis Lab 0 0 2 1
22AVP103 HU Mastery Over Mind 1 0 2 2
21HU601 HU Amrita Values Program*       P/F
21HU602 HU Career Competency I       P/F
    Credits       21
Semester II
Course Code Type Subject L T P Credits
22MS611 SC Materials Processing 4 0 0 4
22MS612 FC Physical & Mechanical Metallurgy 4 0 0 4
  E Elective I 3 0 0 3
  E Elective II 3 0 0 3
22MS613 SC Materials Structural Characterization 3 0 2 4
21HU603 HU Career Competency II 0 0 2 1
21EN600 HU Technical Writing*       P/F
    Credits       19
Semester III
Course Code Type Subject L T P Credits
22MS791 P Materials Design       3
  E Elective III 3 0 0 3
22MS781 SC Materials Performance Analysis Lab 0 0 2 1
22MS798 P Dissertation – Mini Project 10
    Credits       17
Semester IV
Course Code Type Subject L T P Credits
22MS799 P Dissertation – Major Project       16
    Credits       16
    Total Credits       73
Foundation Core
Course Code Subject L T P Credits
22MA601 Mathematical Foundations for Materials Science 2 1 0 3
22MS601 Engineering Materials 3 0 0 3
22MS602 Materials Thermodynamics 3 1 0 4
22MS603 Electronic Materials Science 4 0 0 4
22MS612 Physical & Mechanical Metallurgy 4 0 0 4
Subject Core
Course Code Subject L T P Credits
22MS604 Advanced Materials 4 0 0 4
22MS611 Materials Processing 4 0 0 4
22MS681 Materials Synthesis Lab 0 0 2 1
22MS613 Materials Structural Characterization 3 0 2 4
22MS781 Materials Performance Analysis Lab 0 0 2 1
Course Code Subject L T P Credits
22MS791 Materials Design       3
22MS798 Dissertation – Mini Project       10
22MS799 Dissertation – Major Project       16
Course Code Subject L T P Credits
22MS631 Statistical Design of Experiments 3 0 0 3
22MS632 Processing of Polymeric Materials 3 0 0 3
22MS633 Electrochemistry and Corrosion 3 0 0 3
22MS634 Catalytic Chemistry 3 0 0 3
22MS635 Carbon Nanomaterials 3 0 0 3
22MS636 Interfacial Science and Engineering 3 0 0 3
22MS637 Waste to Energy 3 0 0 3
22MS638 Solar Energy 3 0 0 3
22MS639 Energy Storage Technologies 3 0 0 3
22MS640 Computational Materials Science 3 0 0 3
22MS641 Design for Sustainable Development 3 0 0 3
22MS642 Biomaterials 3 0 0 3
22MS643 Ceramic Materials 3 0 0 3

In addition to the above list, students will be able to take courses from other M. Tech programs subject to their offering and pre-requisites being met.




B.E. / B.Tech. ( Chemical Engineering, Biochemical Engineering, Metallurgical Engineering, Materials Science & Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Polymer Engineering, Petroleum, Civil Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering), M.Sc Physics, Chemistry, and MSc Materials Science.


Two years

Program Overview

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

The broad educational objectives of the MTech (Materials Science and Engineering) program are:

  1. To develop knowledgeable, skilled and trained human resources in the broad domain of materials science and engineering who can effectively contribute towards design, development, processing, and optimization of materials for innovative applications in new products and processes
  2. To equip the graduates with knowledge and skills to gain employment in industries and consultancies or pursue higher studies in research and academic institutions
  3. To equip the graduates with good technical communication skills, and promote communication of their ideas and knowledge via scholarly articles, patents, delivery of effective presentations, and/or training of co-workers and associates
  4. To inculcate professional values for ethical and responsible individual and teamwork, leadership, management, self-development and lifelong learning, applied for nation building and global sustainable development.
Program Outcomes (POs)

On completion of the MTech (Materials Science and Engineering) program, the graduate will:

  • Engineering Knowledge. Understand thoroughly the different engineering materials/devices/products, their structure, properties, processes of manufacturing and modification, characterizations, design, performance analysis and optimization, and the application of mathematical and experimental techniques for the same
  • Problem Analysis. Identify, formulate, study, analyse engineering problems related to materials, their synthesis-structure-property-performance relationships, using fundamental principles, mathematical and experimental tools
  • Design and Development of Solutions. Design and develop desired material performances, properties, structures and manufacturing/synthesis processes, for diverse applications, from both theoretical and experimental perspectives
  • Conduct Investigations of Complex Problems. Develop research-based methodologies to synthesize, modify, characterize and optimize materials, devices and products by applying the engineering knowledge gained, analysing the outcomes, evaluate methodologies, &synthesise the information to valid conclusions.
  • Modern Tools Usage. Understand and utilize modern tools such as advanced materials synthesis, modification and characterization techniques, modelling and simulation tools, & statistical analysis tools, and gain hands-on experience in them.
  • Engineer and Society. Gain contextual knowledge of societal, health, safety, legal, cultural, economic and ecological issues and the consequent responsibilities in the professional practice of materials science and engineering.
  • Environment and Sustainability. Understand the impact of materials technologies in the context of sustainability, demonstrate the knowledge of sustainable development, & contribute sustainable materials engineering solutions.
  • Ethics. Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics, responsibilities and norms of engineering practice.
  • Individual and Teamwork. Gain skills to function effectively as an individual as well as a member or leader in diverse teams, and especially in multidisciplinary settings
  • Communication. Develop effective communication skills to engage the engineering community and the society at large on complex engineering activities, specifically on understanding & writing effective reports and design documentation, making effective presentations, & give and receive clear instructions.
  • Project Management and Finance. Understand engineering, project and financial management principles and apply them in materials engineering practice, as a member and leader in teams, to manage projects in multidisciplinary environments.
  • Lifelong Learning. Understand the need for & develop the ability to engage in independent and lifelong learning in materials engineering and in the broadest context of evolution.
Employability, Skill Development and Value Added mapping Sheet
Form CR1.1.3.P1.No.1.Sep 2020.
S.No Course Name Course Code Year of Introduction Relevance Employability Entrepreneurship Skill Development Value added Activiites Related to Employability/Entrepren/Skill Development New Course Y/N
Local Regional National Global
1 Mathematical Methods in Materials Science 19MA617 2019 Giving more exposure to applications of mathematics in materials science and engineering N
2 Engineering Materials 19MS601 2019 Indepth knowledge of materials used for engineering applications N
3 Materials Thermodynamics 19MS602 2019 Exposure to thermodyamic features of materials N
4 Electronic Materials Science 19MS603 2019 Knowledge of materials used for electronic applications N
5 Materials Characterization Techniques 19MS611 2019 Testing and characterization of material properties N
6 Materials Synthesis and Caharacterization Lab I 19MS615 2019 Practical knowledge in sythesis and characterization of polymeric materials N
7 Advanced Materials 19MS613 2019 Exposure to materials for advanced engineering applications N
8 Physical & Mechanical Metallurgy 19MS612 2019 Overview of the mechanical properties, heat treatment of metals and alloy systems N
9 Materials Processing 19MS605 2019 Gain knowledge in the various conversion processes of materials into finished and semi finished products Y
10 Materials Design 19MS614 2019 Steps involved in the selection of materials for specific applications N
11 Statistical Design of Experiments 19MS604 2019 Statistical approach to improve productivity, troubleshooting and quality control N
12 Materials Synthesis and Characterization Lab II 19MS616 2019 Practical knowledge in the synthesis and characterization of nanomaterials N
13 Materials Performance Analysis Lab 19MS617 2019 Practical knowledge in the testing and characterization of mechanical, thermal nd electrical properties of materials N
Thrust Areas in Research
  • Nanomaterials and Nanocomposites for green applications.
  • Environmental and Biological Sensors.
  • Bioinspired Materials for Green Applications.
  • Materials and Technologies for Sustainable Development.
International Programmes

Centre for International Programmes facilitates foreign internship with scholarship and higher education.Students can even opt for dual degree programmes.

MTech Program Fee 2022 (Per Semester)

Facilities & Infrastructure

  • FE-SEM
  • XRD
  • DSC
  • TG-DTA
  • GC-MS
  • FTIR
  • NIR
  • UTM
  • AFM

Polymer Processing Equipment


Oscillating Disk Rheometer

Why Amrita

The top reasons to choose Amrita for your career


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Overall Rankings 2024
7th Ranked
University in India
Amrita Ranked No.1 in India Top 100 in The World
‘A++’ Grade

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