- M. Tech. in Automotive Engineering -
- Fellowship In Interventional Pulmonology and Pulmonary Critical care - Fellowship
Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences (Amrita Hospital), based in Faridabad, delhi, India is recognised as one of the premier hospitals in South Asia. Our commitment to affordable quality care has attracted a dedicated team of highly qualified medical professionals and other healthcare professionals from across the world to provide the highest standards of medical treatment. The institution currently offers Fellowship programs in various specialities.
Level of the Programme: Post-Doctoral Fellowship
School(s) under which the Programme is to be offered:
Amrita School of Medical Sciences & Hospital
Duration of the Programme:
1 year
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Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham has not appointed any Agent or Third-Party Client for securing admission in any programme. Students are hereby requested to contact only the toll-free number on our website for any admission related queries.
– Issued In Public Interest By Directorate Of Admissions And Academic Outreach
The Training Programme in Histopathology is not complete in most of the places due to lack of morphological teaching, facility for frozen section and Immunohistochemistry. Fellowship training imparts not only expertise beyond that which is attainable during residency, but also a unique opportunity for professional maturation. This also will be an excellent way to obtain in-depth exposure to subspecialty diagnostic pathology. Junior residency also lacks the professional development and trainee preparation for the marketplace.
In most of the centers the students learn morphology from different books as a result they gather more theoretical knowledge than a practical approach to histopathological diagnosis. Hence, most of the pathologists particularly young pathologists are scared of reporting histopathology or make mistakes. Our department has enough experience and expertise in morphology as well as immunohistochemistry to train the pathologist. An effort has been made to customize the training to meet the educational goals of any individual fellow.
This Fellowships will be beneficial to both the fellow and the department. For the fellow, the program provides reduced cost for an educational opportunity, advancement in their field, the change to make an impact, a boost to their resume, important networking opportunities and more. And for the department, the benefits are also plentiful, including a way to recruit talent, advance the need of the department, foster innovation in the department and to boost research.
Such program will help in capacity building in a difficult subject like histopathology which will be a great contribution to the nation.
The objective of this fellowship is to offer a period of intensive, specialized experience in the immuno-morphological approach to histopathological diagnosis and also an optimal way to achieve research expertise in the field of histopathology, especially at the level needed for an academic career. Hence, objective of this fellowship will be to train the fellows in:
a. various morphological variations (spectrum) of different disease entity.
b. the approach to a diagnosis.
c. various special stains and their interpretations.
d. the interpretation and pit fall of Immunohistochemistry.
e. the evaluation frozen sections
f. Under standing of bio statistics
g. Molecular pathology
h. Research methodology and project writing.
i. Teaching methodology and competency based teaching
j. Role of Artificial Intelligence in pathology
A hands-on training backed up by lectures, Seminars and group discussions will be the mode of above components of training. A tentative weekly schedule is shown below.
The fellows will become proficient in histological diagnosis and its interpretation. They will also be able to teach others in the same. Thus, they can either open their own laboratory or join a medical collage / Corporate hospital. Many corporate hospitals prefer histopathologist who are well trained and have done fellowship from a good institution.
Eligibility For Admission
● Method of grossing.
● Method of indexing by international codes (ICD).
● Effect of various fixatives on diagnosis.
● Introduction to various cellular differentiations and their detection.
● To differentiate inflammatory from tumor/ pseudo tumors.
● To differentiate different components by special stains.
● HIS system of reporting.
● CAP / MD Anderson cancer center / Stanford / European guidelines for reporting.
● Different methods of Immunohistochemistry.
● Interpretation of Immunohistochemistry.
● Approach to undifferentiated tumors.
● Approach to round cell tumors.
● Introduction of Metabolic disease.
● Introduction to fibro histiocytic tumors.
● Bio statistics
● Research methodology
● Paper / Project writing
● Teaching methodology and competency based teaching.
● Molecular pathology.
● Role of Artificial Intelligence in pathology
●Didactic lectures.
●Group discussions
●Hands on training in different methodology