- M. Tech. in Automotive Engineering -
- Fellowship in Infectious Diseases Adult & Pediatric ID - Fellowship
The IEEE-PES (Power and Energy Society) & IEEE –IAS (Industry Applications Society) Joint Student Branch Chapter of Amrita School of Engineering, Bengaluru, under the guidance of Dr. K .Deepa (Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics, Amrita School of Engineering, Bengaluru), notched a tremendous victory and has been ranked 1st in Asia Pacific, and India, and also bagged 6th in the world ranking of ‘High Performing Student Branch Chapter (HPSBC) 2016. A prize worth of $401 has been awarded to the team from the IEEE Headquarters.
“It is all because of the grace of Amma that such a small work has become a great success and also because of Brahmachari Dhanraj (the Director of Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham’s, Bengaluru campus), Dr. Rakesh S. G. (Associate Dean, Amrita School of Engineering, Bengaluru) and Dr. S. Ravishankar (Chairperson, Department of Electrical and Electronics, Amrita School of Engineering, Bengaluru). They are the three pillars that support us,” said Dr. K. Deepa.
Last year, the student branch chapter emerged 3rd in India ranking, 6th in Region 10 ranking and 19th in the world ranking.
AMRITA IEEE-PES & IEEE –IAS Joint Student Branch Chapter Activities
In 2016, the IEEE-PES (Power and Energy Society) and IEEE –IAS (Industry Applications Society) Joint Student Branch Chapter of Amrita School of Engineering, Bengaluru, conducted various activities such as invited talks, workshop, conferences, seminars, industrial visits, quizzes and competitions. Listed below are various activities of the student branch chapter:
1. Seminar on Excitation Controls-Automatic Voltage Regulators (20/01/2016)
Arvind Gupta, AGM, OTS-Electrical, Adani Power Ltd, Ahmedabad, presented the paper. A comparison on both Brushless and Static Excitation systems were made. He also spoke about the “Generator Capability Curve” and its importance to understand the behaviour of both “Machine” and “Grid”.
2. A Biennial International Conference on “Power & Energy Systems Towards Sustainable Energy: PESTSE-2016 (21-23/01/2016)
This section had two panels that discussed the Digital World in Power Sector and Contemporary research trends in Microgrid.
3. Talk on “ IOT IN INDUSTRIES” (20/02/2016)
Mr.Ragunandan, Application engineer of National Instruments discussed the impact of IOT in various industrial fields and how national instruments were revolutionizing it.
4. Workshop On “Real Time Simulation For Modern Industrial Applications” (02/03/2016)
The first half of the morning presented an introduction to the real time simulation and its USP over the conventional simulation. It also discussed the features, requirements and applications(control prototyping and hardware in-the-loop) of real time simulation along with the challenges and solutions from OPAL-RT technologies.In the second half of the session, Hands on training was provided as a part of which, a PWM generator was modelled in simulinkin Matlab2011b and was configured with the RT lab opcomm, a communication link to interface with the simulator. A step by step guide gave an interesting experience on working with the simulation.
A guided look around the laboratory was provided. It was helpful to learn about the testing and online monitoring of relays for transmission and distribution system protection.
6. Seminar On “Interfacing PV modules and staircase modulation technique with implementation of LC filters” (01/04/2016)
The seminar provided valuable information on PV converters along with future project scopes and also enlightened the concepts of cascaded H-bridge, multilevel inverters, staircase modulation and LC filters.
7. Seminar on “Overview of aircraft electrical systems” (22/07/2016)
The main focus was on the role of power electronics in the evolution of electrical system in the aircrafts and about the standards used for an aircraft electrical power generation and distribution system.
8. Seminar on “Propulsion Equipment for Indian Railway ” (28/07/2016)
It focused on the role of power electronics in the evolution of electric traction. Advantages of IGBTs for the traction purpose of locomotives. Focused on development, manufacture and supply of 3-Phase IGBT-based propulsion systems for Electric Locomotives and AC EMUs for Indian Railways.
9. Meeting for Planning Agenda for 2016 (03/08/2016)
Certain agendas were proposed and the valuable suggestions of IEEE-PES and IAS joint student branch were noted for future execution.
10. Introduction to PES“BRAINSTORM” (22/08/2016)
A brief idea about the various vents conducted by IEEE PES and IAS student Branch Chapter were provided.
11. Seminar on “Synchrophasor For Smart Grid Applications.” (03/09/2016)
An introduction on Smart Grids were provided. The main focus was on the role of power electronics and Power systems in the evolution Synchrophasors.
12. Event On “DESIGN OF THINGS” (21/09/2016)
The students were given a couple of problem statements and were asked to form a team of 3, and speak for two minutes about how they would go about designing a solution to given problems.
13. Seminar on ‘Energy management and audit’ (30/09/2016)
Dr. Rajashekar P. Mandi, Director, School of Electrical & Electronics Engg, Reva Institute of Technology, threw light on why we need to conserve energy and broadened our knowledge on different ways of efficient utilization of energy.
14. Event ‘Techathon’ (04/10/2016)
Teams of 3 each were formed and the quiz was composed of sections with ascending level of difficulty. A perfect ambience for testing the team work and exchanging knowledge was created.
15. Event “What’s GOING ON? ” (06/10/2016)
Executives firstly explained the present scenario in the practical world by putting forward the types of hybrid vehicles, advantages as well as disadvantages.
16. Workshop On ‘SOLAR 360’ (22/10/2016)
The first session was taken up by Dr. Deepa, Assistant Professor, Dept. of EEE which included the introduction to solar energy and its utility in real life.
17. ENERGON-Circuitrix (24/10/2016)
Circuitrix is a basic electrical circuit analysis competition. The students were given 10 circuits and were asked to debug or analyze them with in 1 hour.
18. ENERGON-Make your Statement (25/10/2016)
M.U.S.T. is a panel discussion where panelists spoke about energy policies in India followed by energy conservation in solar perspective.
19. ENERGON -Pitch it up (26/10/2016)
“Pitch it up’ is a student interactive event. In this event students were given problems related to energy conservation faced in general life and were asked to come up with solutions for themselves.
20. ENERGON-Save your power (27/10/2016)
S.U.P. is a talk on energy auditing with the help of case study of energy consumption in Railway Bhavan and various ways of tapping natural resources.
21. ENERGON -Eco Spark (28/10/2016)
Eco Spark is a technical exhibition in which two projects were exhibited and demonstrated by students.
22. Event- Techwiz (11/11/2016)
The whole event was divided into three levels and based on the time of completion of the levels, some teams were eliminated.
Dr. Suresh, Dr. Balaraman .K, Dr. Manohar Singh, Dr. Hariram Satheesh and Dr. Faraz enlightened the audience with their research ideas.
24. Meeting for Appreciating PES & IAS Joint Student Branch Committee and Volunteers-2016 (20/12/2016)
The main aim of this meeting was to appreciate PES and IAS Joint Student Branch Committee and Volunteers.