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Exact Fuzzy Modelling and Optimal Control of the Inverted Pendulum on Cart

Authors : M. R. Kaimal,, P.P.Mohanlal,

Publisher :ICARCV

Identification of Hammerstein Model by Relay Feedback method for Systems with Input Multiplicity

Authors : M. Chidambaram, Dr. Jyothi S. N

Publisher :Indian Chemical Engineering Congress

Shipped and Locally Transplanted Renal Allografts

Authors : Dr. Sudhindran S., Taylor A

Publisher :New England Journal of Medicine

A multicentre analysis of the results of kidney transplantation from non-heart beating donors in the UK

Authors : Dr. Sudhindran S., Waller JR, Richardson AC, Metcalfe MS

Publisher :British Journal of Surgery

Script Identification in Printed Bilingual Documents

Authors : Dhanya, D, Ramakrishnan, A. G.

Publisher :Springer Berlin Heidelberg

LOLANS: Increased likelihood capability for pattern classification and intelligent recognition

Authors : S. Diwakar

Publisher :IASTED international conference on Signal Processing

Proximal Support Vector Machine Classifiers-a spread sheet based implementation and applications

Authors : S. Diwakar, , Soman K.P

Publisher :National Symposium on mathematical methods and applications, Dec 21, 2002, at IIT-Madras.

A study on drug prescribing pattern in Madurai city

Authors : Kutty K. V. George, Kutty K. V. George, M Nagarajan, M Nagarajan, Dr. M.P.Narmadha, Dr. M.P.Narmadha

Publisher :Indian Journal of Pharmacology

Prevalence of Periodontal Disease in Endemic areas of Davangere District

Authors : Chandrashekar Janakiram

Publisher :Indian Journal of Dental Research

Insulin Drug Delivery by Sublingual Route

Authors : Dr. Kaladhar Kamalasanan, Sharma, C. P

Publisher :IIT, Kharagpur

Melt elasticity and flow activation energy of nylon 6/polystyrene blends

Authors : Oommen, Z, Sabu Thomas, Dr. Sobha V. Nair

Publisher :Materials Letters, Volume 57, Number 2,

Phase morphology development and melt rheological behavior in nylon 6/polystyrene blends

Authors : Dr. Sobha V. Nair, Oommen, Z, Thomas, S.,

Publisher :Journal of Applied Polymer Science

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