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Priyanka Vivek

Assistant Professor, School of Computing, Bengaluru

Qualification: BE, M.Tech.
Research Interest: Data Mining in Healthcare, Machine Learning, Software Engineering, Text Analytics


Priyanka Vivek currently serves as Assistant Professor at the School of Computing, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Bengaluru. She is currently pursuing her Ph.D. Her areas of research include Data Mining in Healthcare, Machine Learning, Text Analytics and Software Engineering.


Year of Passing Degree Name of the Board/University
2015 M. Tech. in CSE Amrita School of Engineering, Bangalore
2006 B. E. in CSE Amrita School of Engineering, Bangalore

Conference Paper

Year : 2021

A Survey of Text Mining Approaches, Techniques, and Tools on Discharge Summaries

Cite this Research Publication : Priyanka Vivek, Gupta, D., and Devi, B. Indira, “A Survey of Text Mining Approaches, Techniques, and Tools on Discharge Summaries”, in Advances in Computational Intelligence and Communication Technology, Singapore, 2021.

Publisher : Advances in Computational Intelligence and Communication Technology, Springer Singapore

Year : 2021

Extraction of Relation Between Attributes and Class in Breast Cancer Data Using Rule Mining Techniques

Cite this Research Publication : K. Mohan, Priyanka Vivek, Gupta, D., Nayar, R. C., and Ram, A., “Extraction of Relation Between Attributes and Class in Breast Cancer Data Using Rule Mining Techniques”, in Progress in Advanced Computing and Intelligent Engineering, Singapore, 2021.

Publisher : Progress in Advanced Computing and Intelligent Engineering, Springer Singapore

Year : 2020

Predicting the Degree of Emotional Support in an Online Health Forum for HIV Using Data Mining Techniques

Cite this Research Publication : P. Naveen, Priyanka Vivek, and Gupta, D., “Predicting the Degree of Emotional Support in an Online Health Forum for HIV Using Data Mining Techniques”, in Emerging Trends in Electrical, Communications, and Information Technologies, Singapore, 2020.

Publisher : Emerging Trends in Electrical, Communications, and Information Technologies, Springer Singapore

Year : 2019

Automated Clinical Concept-Value Pair Extraction from Discharge Summary of Pituitary Adenoma Patients

Cite this Research Publication : Priyanka Vivek, Gupta, D., Devi, B. Indira, and Bhat, N. Raghav, “Automated Clinical Concept-Value Pair Extraction from Discharge Summary of Pituitary Adenoma Patients”, in 2019 9th International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communication (ICACC), Kochi, India, 2019.

Publisher : 2019 9th International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communication (ICACC), IEEE

Year : 2019

A Machine Learning Approach for Detecting Malicious Websites using URL Features

Cite this Research Publication : A. Sushena Manjeri, R., K., M.N.V., A., and Priyanka Vivek, “A Machine Learning Approach for Detecting Malicious Websites using URL Features”, in 2019 3rd International conference on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology (ICECA), Coimbatore, India, 2019.

Publisher : 2019 3rd International conference on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology (ICECA), IEEE,

Year : 2017

Breast Cancer Diagnosis and Prognosis using Machine Learning Techniques

Cite this Research Publication : S. Suresh Shastri, Priyanka Vivek, Dr. Deepa Gupta, Nayar, R. C., Rao, R., and Ram, A., “Breast Cancer Diagnosis and Prognosis using Machine Learning Techniques”, in International Symposium on Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications (ISTA'17), Manipal University, Karnataka, 2017.

Publisher : International Symposium on Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications

Year : 2015

Clustering of robotic environment using image data stream

Cite this Research Publication : P. Vivek, G. Radhakrishnan, Dr. Deepa Gupta, and Dr. T.S.B. Sudarshan, “Clustering of robotic environment using image data stream”, in International Conference Communication, Control and Intelligent Systems, CCIS 2015, 2015, pp. 208-213.

Publisher : International Conference Communication, Control and Intelligent Systems, CCIS 2015

Book Chapter

Year : 2016

Multi-view Robotic Time Series Data Clustering and Analysis Using Data Mining Techniques

Cite this Research Publication : M. Reshma, Vivek, P., Gopalapillai, R., Dr. Deepa Gupta, and Sudarshan, T. S. B., “Multi-view Robotic Time Series Data Clustering and Analysis Using Data Mining Techniques”, in Advances in Signal Processing and Intelligent Recognition Systems, Springer, 2016, pp. 521–531.

Publisher : Advances in Signal Processing and Intelligent Recognition Systems

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