Authors : Dr. Sreedevi K Menon, B. Lethakumary, C. K. Aanandan, K. Vasudevan, P.Mohanan
Publisher :2002 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium
Authors : Dr. Rabinarayan Tripathy
Publisher :Ancient Science of Life
Authors : Lubguban, J., Dr. T. Rajagopalan, Mehta, N., Lahlouh, B., Simon, S. L., Gangopadhyay, S.
Publisher :Journal of Applied Physics
Authors : Pillay V. V.
Publisher :J Indian Dental Assoc
Authors : Krishnamoorthy, A, Ushakumari, PV, Lakshmy, B
Authors : Sudipta Mukhopadhyay, Nithin Nagaraj, Xiaofeng Xu, Frederick W. Wheeler, Saad Sirohey, Robert Sigal
Publisher :InfoRad presentation, RSNA
Authors : Dr. Murali Rangarajan, Jimenez J, Rajagopalan R
Publisher :Chemistry at Interfaces, Gordon Research Conferences (GRC)
Authors : Dr. Murali Rangarajan, Rajagopalan R
Publisher :Chemistry at Interfaces, Gordon Research Conferences (GRC)
Authors : Dr. Sundararaman Gopalan, R. Choi, K. Onishi, R. Nieh, C. S. Kang, H. J. Cho, S. Krishnan, J. C. Lee
Publisher :60th DRC. Conference Digest Device Research Conference
Authors : Gopalan, S Choi, Onishi, R, Nieh, K, Kang, R, Cho, CS, Krishnan, H-J, S Lee, JC
Publisher :60th DRC. Conference Digest
Authors : Dr. Mini K. M., Subramanian K.
Publisher :National Confce “Futuristic of concrete technology and optimal design of R.C.C Structures” 193-196