Authors : Dr. Madhu Mohan N.
Publisher :Master of Science in Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
Authors : Vasundhara, G., Kurup, G.M., Dr. Jayashree G., Sethuraj, M. R., Kothandaraman, R.
Publisher :Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences
Authors : Dr. Saleeshya P.G., A. Subash Babu
Publisher :20th AIMTDR conference BITS Ranchi
Authors : Dr. Saleeshya P.G., A Subash Babu
Publisher :20th AIMTDR Conference Proceedings,
Authors : Dr. Satya Paul
Publisher :Applied Economics Letters
Authors : Rino Choi, K. Onishi, Chang Scok Kang, Renee Nieh, Dr. Sundararaman Gopalan, Hag-Ju Cho, S. Krishnan, J. C. Lee
Publisher :60th DRC. Conference Digest Device Research Conference, IEEE
Authors : Suresh Kumar, Mulampurath A, Asoke Banerji
Publisher :Cambridge Univ Press
Authors : Krishnamoorthy, A, Ushakumari, PV
Publisher :Taylor & Francis
Authors : Dr. Manjula G. Nair, Nambiar, T.N.P.
Publisher :Proceedings of the IEEE Power Engineering Society Transmission and Distribution Conference
Authors : Dr. Krishnashree Achuthan, Lopatin, Sergey
Authors : Bijumon, PV, Dr. Sreedevi K Menon, Sebastian, MT, Mohanan, P
Publisher :Microwave and Optical Technology letters, Wiley Online Library,
Authors : Dr. Sundararaman Gopalan, Onishi, K, Nieh, R, Kang, CS, Choi, R, Cho, H-J, Krishnan, S, Lee, JC
Publisher :AIP Publishing