Publication Type : Conference Paper
Publisher : 60th DRC. Conference Digest Device Research Conference
Source : 60th DRC. Conference Digest Device Research Conference, IEEE (2002)
ISBN : 9780780373174
Accession Number : 7501776
Keywords : ammonia, Annealing, atomic layer deposition, breakdown fields, Capacitors, degradation, degraded MOSFET characteristics, dielectric hysteresis, Dielectric thin films, electrical characteristics, Gate leakage, Hafnium compounds, Hf(SiO/sub 3/)/sub 2/-Si, Hf-silicate devices, Hysteresis, leakage, Leakage currents, Life estimation, Lifetime estimation, MOS devices, MOSFET, MOSFETs, NH/sub 3/, NH/sub 3/ pre-treatment, oxidation, re-oxidation method, reliability characteristics, semiconductor device breakdown, semiconductor device reliability, semiconductor-insulator boundaries, ultra thin Hf(SiO/sub 3/)/sub 2/ films
Campus : Amritapuri
School : School of Engineering
Department : Electronics and Communication
Year : 2002
Abstract : The trade-offs between the benefits of NH/sub 3/ pre-treatment such as improved scalability, lower leakage and higher breakdown fields, and potential issues such as large hysteresis, degraded MOSFET characteristics and poorer reliability on Hf-silicate devices have been studied.
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Dr. Sundararaman Gopalan, Choi, R., Onishi, K., Nieh, R., Kang, C. S., Cho, H. J., Krishnan, S., and Lee, J. C., “Impact of NH/sub 3/ pre-treatment on the electrical and reliability characteristics of ultra thin hafnium silicate films prepared by re-oxidation method”, in 60th DRC. Conference Digest Device Research Conference, 2002