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SensMask: An Intelligent Mask for Assisting Patients During COVID-19 Emergencies

Publication Type : Conference Proceedings

Source : Computacion y Sistemas, 2021

Url :

Campus : Amaravati

School : School of Computing

Verified : No

Year : 2021

Abstract : A new pandemic disease named as novel corona virus disease (COVID-19) was discovered during end of 2019 in Wuhan city of China and was quickly spread throughout the globe. But, till now no medicine is available to fight against the infection caused by the disease. The infection may also be transmitted easily from person to person through highly infectious nasal droplets when a healthy person comes in contact with a distance of less than 1m from the affected person. The doctors, physicians as well as nurses consult the patients very closely to assess the health conditions of the affected persons and there is a great chance that they may carry infection from them. In this work, we have proposed an intelligent mask to assist COVID-19 patients/doctors/nurses with an innovative SensMask to address this issue. This mask contains GPS sensor, IR proximity sensor, walk sensor and FS5 sensor. All patients need to wear this mask to observe the health details. Such sensors monitor health data from patients and send it to the cloud through the home/hospital-based local cloudlet. The cloudlet information is used by physicians for further diagnosis of patients. This proposed approach was simulated and the results obtained indicate that it helps in maximizing throughput and reduced delay.

Cite this Research Publication : Ramasamy, V, Gomathy, B, J.L. Sarkar, Majumder, A, & Panigrahi, CR, “SensMask: An Intelligent Mask for Assisting Patients During COVID-19 Emergenciess”, Computacion y Sistemas

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