Publication Type : Conference Proceedings
Publisher : 2006 Frontiers in Education Conference, San Diego, USA.
Source : 2006 Frontiers in Education Conference, San Diego, USA.
Url :
Campus : Amritapuri
School : School for Sustainable Futures
Year : 2006
Abstract : Our project evaluates the general structure of "anchored inquiry", or inductive, instructional models and the learning activities associated with the instructional sequences used in undergraduate engineering courses. We are generalizing these learning activities into design patterns that can be associated with specific learning outcomes and based on theories of knowing and learning. Our assumption is that authors of instruction (and instructors) can learn to develop effective learning environments by using these patterns when supported by relevant examples illustrating the intent of the patterns. This paper describes our initial assumptions and criteria for identifying design principles and learning activities that exemplify these principles in engineering education
Cite this Research Publication : Brophy, S. P., & Velankar, Y. P. (2006). Work in progress: Cataloging instructional design patterns that facilitate generative learning. 2006 Frontiers in Education Conference, San Diego, USA.