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A Review on the Gradiation Towards Pelamis Wave Energy Converter

Publication Type : Conference Proceedings

Publisher : 2020 4th International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics (ICOEI)(48184)

Source : 2020 4th International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics (ICOEI)(48184), IEEE, Tirunelveli, India (2020)

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Campus : Bengaluru

School : School of Engineering

Department : Electrical and Electronics

Year : 2020

Abstract : With increasing electric power demands, the fossil fuels cannot be continuously burnt, which will adversely affect the mother earth. The conventional ways of producing electric power should be renewed by moving towards the new greener ways of electric power production. In this paper, the discussion of the various types of wave energy converters with emphasis on Pelamis wave energy alongside stating the related works in the grid integration studies, energy storage, control efficiency, and the life cycle assessment of the Pelamis machine is depicted. Greener energy includes all renewable sources that nature provides us with like wave, wind, solar, hydro energies. This should be done with scientific temper and dedication. In this work, the chief aspect covered is ocean waves as an energy source. Several details of this magnum opus have been listed such as different types of WEC, power quality, challenges faced. And one of the successful models under this category is Pelamis WEC, which is discussed in great detail.

Cite this Research Publication : K. S. Reddy, Prajwal, K. S., Satwik, T. S. Saradhi, and Anand Rajendran, “A Review on the Gradiation Towards Pelamis Wave Energy Converter”, 2020 4th International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics (ICOEI)(48184). IEEE, Tirunelveli, India, 2020.

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