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Solar powered desktop CNC machine for fabric and paper cutting

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering,

Source : IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 577, p.012071 (2019)

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Campus : Amritapuri

School : School of Engineering

Department : Mechanical, Mechanical Engineering

Year : 2019

Abstract : In the modern era Computerized Numeric control (CNC) machines are widely used in most of the industries around the world. Nowadays this technology has been used in almost all industries for different operations like cutting, milling, welding, etc. This paper presents the design and manufacturing of a solar powered, portable LASER CNC machine for cutting paper and fabric. The design procedure includes the calculations for finding torque required to run the machine, Factor of Safety etc. Modelling and analysis of the machine is carried out using soft wares like Solid Works and Ansys. The electronic circuit included in the assembly will convert the G-Codes into movements of CNC machine. Incorporation of Solar panels into the assembly helped to make this CNC machine work on clean energy. The results show that the machine is feasible at a reasonable cost for applications where speed and repeatability is achieved while not compromising on accuracy.

Cite this Research Publication : Sarun P. Pillai, B. R. Abhiram, Akshay S. Kumar, U. S. Ashish, and Harikrishnan G., “Solar powered desktop CNC machine for fabric and paper cutting”, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, vol. 577, p. 012071, 2019.

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