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About the Project

The research shows the importance of the intelligent agent-based approach in a deregulated electricity market and concentrates mainly on the strategic trading method adopted in a restructured power market. The challenge of the current power sector operation and control is the significance of agent-based computation in the wholesale power market during day-ahead/spot market scenario. The GenCo‘s act as agents and will exercise learning capabilities and efficient communication with other entities in the electricity market. This agent-based methodology integrates a dynamic testing and implements realistic spot market with renewable energy intrusion through its learning capability.

Department and Campus

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, School of Engineering, Coimbatore

Skillsets Preferred from Applicants

Master’s from EEE (power systems/ power electronics/embedded systems) and CSE (data science/artificial intelligence) background is preferable.


Artificial Intelligence/Game Theory/Machine Learning Agent based Approach towards Flexible Bidding Strategy in Day-Ahead/Spot Electricity Market Operation
Dr. K.R.M. Vijaya Chandrakala

Associate Professor

Admissions Apply Now