Amma’s entire life has been dedicated to the service of those in need. She often says, “May we see others’ pain as our pain and their happiness as our happiness. Just as one hand spontaneously reaches out to soothe the other hand when it is in pain, may we all console and support others as we would ourselves.”
Amma has never sought to convert anyone to any religion; hers is not a sectarian mission. But Amma has always stressed that along with a new home, a pension, an operation, or a meal, the beneficiaries of her charitable projects receive a compassionate smile and a kind word from those who serve them. In this way those who give, those who receive, and those who look on—all are transformed by the selfless love and sense of universal kinship.
It is from this perspective that the Ashram has also undertaken initiatives to connect with people from every level of society to love and serve with a holistic sense for the wellness of all.
is a collaboration with state and local governments where volunteers travel to the institutions to reach thousands of inmates. Prisoners learn breathing with awareness, self-analysis, and emotional control. Many have said they have found a new lease on life, and the prison staff also report they see positive changes. Anyone can participate, irrespective of race, religion, caste, creed or gender. All kinds of prisoners have received support, including those convicted of violent crimes such as murder, rape, assault and robbery. The largest initiative is in Kerala, where teachers have reached more than 21,000 inmates in 50 institutions, including central prisons, district prisons, sub-jails and special sub-jails spread across the state. Since 2019, trainers in Tamil Nadu have taught about 5,000 prisoners in all the central prisons. To reach inmates during the pandemic, people are also participating online.
In partnership with India’s Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF), Amrita created a program that consists of workshops to bring resilience and help foster a broader acceptance of gender equality. The factors within India’s largest police force, for both men and women, include patterns in the working culture, such as the time and distance that officers must take from their families when stationed, and a high suicide rate in the military service. Closer and supportive family ties could lead to less stress, but this is made difficult by the tendency towards toxic masculinity and patriarchy that puts a greater emphasis on power dynamics than compassion-based relationships. Amrita’s Center for Women’s Empowerment & Gender Equality designed the gender-awareness program by taking a multi-factor approach, addressing the issues of gender equality, masculinity, and mental health at the individual, household, and community levels. The ultimate purpose is to support the wellbeing of the CRPF service men and women and improve their overall morale. The first initiative reached more than 19,000 officers with The Srinagar Battalions in Jammu & Kashmir.
IAM is a meditation sequence created by Amma that has now reached hundreds of thousands of people the world over. It fosters improved power of concentration, relaxation, expansive thinking, and greater awareness. These constitute a general refinement of the mind, and how one uses that is completely up to each individual. Starting out as a program for the general public, requests came from various spheres of life for sessions, starting from CEOs of high-income companies to villagers in rural India. Today, there are sequences for those seeking a deep meditation practice, alongside simpler versions for people in the workplace, community groups, teenagers, and children.
Amrita Yoga is a school of yoga directly formed from Amma’s vision to foster a world based on unconditional love and selfless service. It offers a holistic approach, focused on awareness with heart-centered intention, that becomes a tool to help bring a grounded approach to life overall. It is a process that continues once one leaves the yoga mat behind for the rest of the day’s schedule. Amrita Yoga offers programs that are both practical and relevant for everyone, with classes designed for adults, youth, children, the corporate realm, and therapeutic practices.