- M. Tech. in Automotive Engineering -
- Fellowship In Interventional Pulmonology and Pulmonary Critical care - Fellowship
Year of Publication | Publication Type | Title |
2018 | Journal Article | Ganesha Udupa, Pramod Sreedharan, P Dinesh, S., and Kim, D., “Asymmetric bellow flexible pneumatic actuator for miniature robotic soft gripper”, International Journal of Robotics, vol. 2014, 2014. |
2017 | Journal Article | Mata Amritanandamayi Devia, Ganesha Udupa, Pramod Sreedharan”Anti-Bourdon tube pressure gauge (Amrita Pressure gauge) ” Volume 101, April 2017, Pages 190–199 |
2016 | Conference Paper | Aswath S, Nitin Ajithkumar, Sreekuttan T Kalathil, Abin Simon, Unnikrishnan VJ, Deepu P Mathew ,Praveen Basil, Kailash Dutt, Chinmaya Krishna Tilak, Adithye Suresh, Balakrishna Shankar and Ganesha Udupa “Design and Development of an Intelligent Rover for Mars Exploration” The 18th Annual International Mars Society Convention |
2015 | Journal Article | Abin Simon, Kailash Dutt, Praveen Basil, Sreekuttan TK, Adithye Suresh, Arun M., Ganesh Udupa, Pramod Sreedharan “Design of Spider Mechanism for Extraterrestrial Rover“ |
2014 | Journal Article | “Human Gesture Recognition for Real-Time Control of Humanoid Robot” Aswath S, Chinmaya Krishna Tilak, Amal Suresh, and Ganesha Udupa, Int’l Journal of Advances in Mechanical & Automobile Engg. (IJAMAE) Vol. 1, Issue 1, pp 96-100, 2014. |
2014 | Journal Article | Aswath S, Chinmaya Krishna Tilak, Kalyani J, Anila G Nair, Arathi S Nair, Aiswarya Mohan, and Ganesha Udupa, “Innovative Fish Robot Based on an Asymmetric Flexible Pneumatic Actuator”, Int’l Journal of Advances in Mechanical & Automobile Engg. (IJAMAE) Vol. 1, Issue 1(2014) pp 101-107, 2014 |
2014 | Journal Article | Ganesha Udupa, Pramod Sreedharan, Sai Dinesh and Doik Kim, Asymmetric Bellow Flexible Pneumatic Actuator for Miniature Robotic Soft Gripper, Int journal of Robotics, Article ID 902625, 11 pages, 2014. |
2014 | Conference Paper | Human Gesture Recognition for Real-Time Control of Humanoid Robot |
2014 | Conference Paper | “Innovative Fish Robot Based on an Asymmetric Flexible Pneumatic Actuator” Aswath S, Chinmaya Krishna Tilak, Kalyani J, Anila G Nair, Arathi S Nair, Aiswarya Mohan, and Ganesha Udupa, International Conference on Advances in Engineering and Technology (ICAET),pp 428-433, Singapore, 2014. |
2014 | Conference Paper | Ganesha Udupa, Arjun B Krishnan and Aswath Suresh, Real Time Vision Based Soccer Playing Humanoid Robotic Platform, ICONIAAC 2014, Amritapuri. |
2014 | Conference Proceedings | A Cost Effective Form Tester for Evaluating Cam and Circularity Error Profiles, Ganesha Udupa et al ICMMM2014, Aug 8-9, 2014 . |
2014 | Conference Proceedings | Hemanth Raj N K, Ganesha Udupa, Navaneeth Kumar and Vijay Shankar Design and Fabrication of Multi-purpose Wall Climbing Robot Platform, ICONIAAC 2014, Amritapuri |
2014 | Conference Proceedings | Aswath S, Nitin Ajithkumar, Chinmaya Krishna Tilak, Nihil Saboo, Amal Suresh Suresh, Raviteja Kamalapuram, Anoop Mattathil, Anirudh H, Arjun B Krishna, Ganesha Udupa, An Intelligent Rover Design Integrated with Humanoid Robot for Alien Planet Exploration, 3rd International Conference on Robot Intelligence Technology and Applications (RiTA2014) will take place in Beijing, China on November 6 – 8, 2014. |
2014 | Conference Proceedings | Ganesha Udupa “ Innovative Anti-Bourdon tube pressure gauge for manufacturing industries” International Machine tool Exhibition (IMTEX forming & Tool tech 2014), 23-28 Jan 2014 Bangalore (Received the Award of Rs. 15,000/- cash prize) |
2014 | Patent | Ganesha Udupa “A universal multi-gauge surface topography measuring machine” Patent No : 1937/CHE/2014, April 12, 2014 |
2013 | Journal Article | Aditya K, Joshua D. Freeman and Ganesha Udupa, An intelligent plant emg sensor system for pre- detection of environmental hazards, International Journal of Science, Environment and Technology, Vol. 2, No 1, pp 28 – 37, 2013. |
2013 | Journal Article | Design and Development of Mobile Operated Control System for Humanoid Robot International journal of Advances in Computing, Aswath S1, Chinmaya Krishna Tilak, Abhay Sengar, Ganesha Udupa, 3(3), pp 50-56, 2013 , Scientific and Academic publishing, USA |
2013 | Conference Paper | “ Design and Development of Mobile Operated Control System for Humanoid Robot” Ashwat, Abhay and Chinmay, Ganesha Udupa, Proc of International conference on Electronics Engineering, Advanced communication, and information technology, KL Malaysia, 2013. |
2013 | Conference Proceedings | Innovative Flexing Technique for Bionic Hand Design, Pramod Sreedharan, Ganesh Sundaram and Ganesha Udupa, Proceedings, Amrita Bio Quest, Amritapuri, 2013. |
2013 | Patent | Ganesha Udupa, “LIGHT WEIGHT MULTIPURPOSE SOLAR POWERED ELECTRIC VEHICLE”, Patent No :4959/CHE/2013 Dated 01/11/2013 |
2012 | Conference Proceedings | Pavan Kumar KBS, Srinath S K, C P Sankar Menon, Pramod S, Ganesha Udupa , A novel technique for the development of artificial Human Hand for prosthetic Application, National conference on Applications of data mining in management of metabolic and Degerative disorders, pp 1-7, April 16-18th 2012, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham , Mysore [Received Best paper award] |
2012 | Conference Proceedings | Aditya K, Karthik, S and Ganesha Udupa: “Design and Fabrication of a Novel Multiple Fuse System”, presented at 4th international and 25th All India manufacturing technology Design and Research Conference (AIMTDR 2012), pp 1338-1343, , Jadavapur University, Kolakata, India, Dec 14th-16th, 2012. |
2012 | Patent | Ganesha Udupa, “A Device For Sensing Fluid Pressure“, Patent No: 2000/CHE/2012, Dated 18/05/2012 |
2011 | Journal Article | Aditya K, Ganesha Udupa and Yongkwun Lee, Development of Bio-Machine based on the Plant Response to External Stimuli, Journal of Robotics, vol. 2011, ID 124314, 7 pages, 2011. |
2011 | Conference Proceedings | K.N.Surendran , Shanmugam Murugappan, Vijayan, Ramesh Babu and Ganesha Udupa, “Investigation on form error evaluation by an electronic height gauge” presented at the 7th International conference on Precision, Meso, Micro and Nano Engineering, Pune, Dec 10-11, 2011 |
2011 | Conference Paper | Aditya. K. Ganesha Udupa, and YongKwun Lee, Development of Bio-Machine based on the Plant Response to External Stimuli, presented at the 2011 IEEE international conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, pp 1218-1223, December 7-11, 2011, Phuket, Thailand |
2011 | Conference Paper | C.P. Sankar Menon, Pramod Sreedharan and Ganesha Udupa, Design and Analysis of Multi-fingered Dexterous Hand Based on an Innovative Asymmetric Flexible Pneumatic Actuator, presented at the 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SIMULATION MODELING AND ANALYSIS in, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, 14-16 Dec 2011,Coimbatore, India |
2011 | Conference Paper | Sai Dinesh P, Aditya K, Roshin R, Pramod Sreedharan, Ganesha Udupa, “Innovative micro-walking robot using flexible microactuator,” presented at 28th International symposium on Automation and Robotics construction (ISARC), Seoul, Korea, pp 572-577 (part 2), June 30-July 1, 2011. |
2011 | Conference Proceedings | Aditya K, Ganesha Udupa, Joshua Freeman and Maneesha V Ramesh, Intelligent Plant Information System: Wireless Electromyograph for Pre-detection of Environmental Hazards, paper ID 306, presented at International Conference on Wireless Technologies for Humanitarian Relief (ACWR), 6 pages, Dec 18-21, 2011, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri, India. [Received best paper(poster) Award] |
2011 | Patent | Ganesha Udupa, “Artificial Humanoid Robotic Hand and Process of Manufacturing Thereof” , Patent No : 3631/CHE/2011 Dated 24/10/2011 |
2010 | Conference Paper | Ganesha Udupa, Pramod Sreedharan and Aditya K, Robotic gripper driven by flexible microactuator based on an innovative technique Presented at IEEE workshop on Advanced Robotics and its Social Impacts (ARSO), 2010 , Seoul, Korea pp 111-116, 26-28 Oct. 2010 |
A paper titled Design and Analysis of Multi-fingured Dexterous Hand Based on an Innovative Asymmetric Flexible Pneumatic Actuator was presented at the Second International Conference on Simulation Modeling and Analysis, COSMA 2011. The conference was hosted at Amrita School of Engineering, Coimbatore during December 17-19.
A reseach paper was presented at the 28th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC 2011) held at Seoul, Korea from June 29-July 2, 2011.