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Team Media focuses on capturing the vibe and emotion of every event in our campus. This a great opportunity for all the amateur photographers, cinematographers and editors to showcase their talents, to learn and to gain experience.

Rules and Regulations:

Following the introductions, important rules and regulations governing student media activities were presented to ensure a conducive and respectful environment for all participants. Emphasis was placed on adherence to ethical standards, responsible reporting, and respectful behavior towards peers and faculty.

Club Activities Information:

Subsequently, detailed information about club activities, initiatives, and upcoming events was shared with the attendees. Students were encouraged to actively participate in club activities, workshops, and projects to enhance their skills and contribute to the vibrant media community on campus.

Distribution of Club T-Shirts and ID Cards:

As a gesture of membership acknowledgment, club t-shirts and identification cards were distributed to all registered members. The distribution process was efficiently managed, ensuring that every student received their respective club merchandise and identification credentials.

Vote of Thanks:

The event concluded with a heartfelt vote of thanks extended to all attendees, club heads, faculty advisors, and the organizing committee for their contributions to making the induction event a success. Gratitude was expressed for the enthusiastic participation and commitment shown by the students towards fostering a dynamic and inclusive media environment on campus.


In conclusion, the Team Media Induction Event served as a platform for fostering camaraderie, enthusiasm, and a sense of belonging among students interested in media-related activities. With the introduction of new heads, dissemination of essential information, and distribution of club merchandise, the event laid the groundwork for an exciting and productive academic term ahead.

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