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Course Detail

Course Name Advanced Algorithms and Analysis
Course Code 15CSE331
Program B. Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering
Year Taught 2019


Unit 1

Algorithm Analysis- Methodologies for Analyzing Algorithms, Asymptotic growth rates, Amortized Analysis. Number Theory: Preliminaries, FLT, Euclid’s algorithm (extended). Totient function, Sieve for primes, Inverse modulo n, Modular exponentiation, Applications of graph algorithms: Topological sort, Strongly Connected Components, Bi-connected Components, Bridges, Articulation points. All Pair Shortest Paths, Single Source Shortest Paths. Computational Geometry: Convex Hull, closest pair of points in 2D, the triangle with smallest perimeter in 2D, Determining whether a set of line segments have one or more intersections.

Unit 2

Applications of Divide-and-Conquer, Greedy techniques and Dynamic Programming – Knapsack, Median finding, Scheduling algorithms, Party planning, bitonic TSP etc., String matching algorithms: KMP, Rabin Karp, Aho-Corasick, 2D queries, efficient algorithms for longest palindrome, Longest Common Substring.

Unit 3

Flow Networks: Ford-Fulkerson, Edmonds Karp, Applications of maximum flows – Efficient algorithms for maximum bipartite matching, minimum cost matching. NPCompleteness: Important NP-Complete Problems, Polynomial time reductions, Approximation algorithms, Parallel Algorithms (overview): Tree Contraction – Divide and Conquer – Maximal Independent Set. External-Memory Algorithms – Accounting for the Cost of Accessing Data from Slow Memory – Sorting – B-trees – Cacheoblivious Algorithms for Matrix Multiplication and Binary Search.

Text Books

  • Goodrich M. T. and Tamassia R., “Algorithm Design and Applications”, John Wiley and Sons, 2014.


  • Cormen T. H., Leiserson C. E., Rivest R. L. and Stein C., “Introduction to Algorithms”, Prentice Hall of India Private Limited, Third Edition, 2009
  • Rajeev Motwani and Prabhakar Raghavan, “Randomized Algorithms”, Cambridge University Press, 1995.
  • Vijay V. Vazirani., “Approximation Algorithm”, Springer, 2003

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