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Course Detail

Course Name Cloud and Infrastructure Security
Credits 3


Course Syllabus
  • Cloud computing essentials: – Characteristics,  service models, deployment models, NIST reference architecture, virtualization, containers, kubernetes, design of microservices, high availability, Load Balancing in cloud, cloud storage and databases, cloud networking and vpc, popular cloud platforms, open source architectures.
  • Threats classification and countermeasures: –  Infrastructure and host threats, service provider threats, generic threats, threats assessment, CSA Top threats, Virtualization system vulnerabilities, Authentication and authorization techniques for cloud solutions, Protection of application infrastructure,
  • Protecting Data in the Cloud:-  Tokenization, Cryptographic key management for data protection, Encryption techniques and applications for cloud computing, homomorphic encryption, Intrusion Detection and Prevention for cloud workloads, security breaches management for cloud computing, Cloud-centric regulatory compliance issues and mechanisms.



Course Objectives

Familiarization of popular cloud platforms,  VM creation, Container management and kubernetes, Storage management, Database creation, Network management, Access control mechanism in computing environment, Virtual private cloud, Design and deployment of secure microservice applications, load balancing,  Identity management, Homomorphic encryption, VPC Networking and security

Course Outcomes

  • CO1 :    Understand the architecture and infrastructure of cloud computing along with the hands-on experience in various cloud computing platforms
  • CO2:   Identify the known threats, risks, vulnerabilities, and privacy issues in the various layers of cloud computing.
  • CO3:   Compare modern security concepts as they are applied to cloud computing
  • CO4 :   Understand the concepts and various methods secure data management in cloud
  • CO5 :   Practical application of various modern cloud technologies

CO-PO Mapping















CO1 2 1 3 3
CO2 1 1 2 3
CO3 2 1 3 3
CO4 2 1 3 3
CO5 2 1 3 3
CAM 2 1 3 3


Textbooks / References

  1. John R. Vacca(Editor), “Cloud Computing Security – Foundations and Challenges” CRC Press, 2017
  2. Ronald L. Krutz and Russell Dean Vines , “Cloud Security- A Comprehensive Guide to Secure Cloud Computing” , Wiley, 2010
  3. Chris Dotson “Practical Cloud Security “, O’Reilly,2019
  4. Tim Mather, S. Kumaraswamy and S. Latif, “Cloud Security and Privacy: An Enterprise Perspective on Risks and Compliance”, O’Reilly Media, 2009



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