Unit 1
Aircraft industry overview: Evolution and history of light, Types of Aerospace industry, Key Players in aerospace Industry, Aerospace Manufacturing, Industry supply Chain, Prime Contractors, Tier 1 Suppliers, Key Challenges in Industry Supply Chain, OEM Supply Chain Strategies, Mergers and Acquisitions, Aerospace Industry Trends, Advances in Engineering / CAD / CAM / CAE Tools and Materials Technology, Global and Indian Aircraft Scenario.
Introduction to Aircrafts: Basic Components of an Aircrafts, Structural Members, Aircraft Axis System, Aircraft Motions, Control Surfaces and High Lift Devices.
Types of Aircrafts – Lighter than Air / Heavier than Air Aircrafts. Conventional Design Configurations based on Power Plant Location, Wing Vertical Location, Intake Location, Tail Unit Arrangements, Landing Gear Arrangements. Unconventional Configurations – Biplane, Variable Sweep, Canard Layout, Twin Boom Layouts, Span Loaders, Blended Body Wing Layout, STOL and STOVL Aircraft, Stealth Aircraft. Advantages and Disadvantages of this Configuration.