Amrita University’s Amrita Values Program (AVP) is a new initiative to give exposure to students to the richness and beauty of the Indian way of life. India is a country where history, culture, art, aesthetics, cuisine, and nature exhibit more diversity than anywhere else in the world. Amrita Values Programs emphasize making students familiar with the rich tapestry of Indian life, culture, arts, science, and heritage which has historically drawn people from all over the world. Post-graduate students shall have to register for any one of the following courses, in the second semester, which may be offered by the respective school.
Courses offered under the framework of the Amrita Values Program:
22AVP501 Message of Śrī Mātā Amritanandamayi Devi
Amma’s messages can be put into action in our life through pragmatism and attuning of our thought process in a positive and creative manner. Every single word Amma speaks, and the guidance received in matters which we consider trivial are rich in content and touches the very inner being of our personality. Life gets enriched by Amma’s guidance, and She teaches us the art of exemplary life skills where we become witness to all the happenings around us keeping the balance of the mind.
22AVP502 Insights from the Ramayana
The historical significance of Ramayana, the first Epic in the world, influence of Ramayana on Indian values and culture, storyline of Ramayana, study of leading characters in Ramayana, influence of Ramayana outside India, misinterpretation of Ramayana by colonial powers and its impact on Indian life, relevance of Ramayana for modern times.
22AVP503 Insights from the Mahabharata
The historical significance of Mahabharata, the largest Epic in the world, influence of Mahabharata on Indian values and culture, storyline of Mahabharata, study of leading characters in Mahabharata, Kurukshetra War and its significance, importance of Dharma in society, message of the Bhagavad Gita, relevance of Mahabharata for modern times.
22AVP504 Insights from the Upanishads
Introduction: Sruti versus Smrti, overview of the four Vedas and the ten Principal Upanishads, the central problems of the Upanishads, ultimate reality, the nature of Atman, the different modes of consciousness, Sanatana Dharma and its uniqueness, The Upanishads and Indian Culture, relevance of Upanishads for modern times, a few Upanishad Personalities: Nachiketas, Satyakama Jabala, Aruni, Shvetaketu.
22AVP505 Insights from Bhagavad Gita
Introduction to Bhagavad Gita, brief storyline of Mahabharata, context of Kurukshetra War, the anguish of Arjuna, counsel by Sri. Krishna, key teachings of the Bhagavad Gita, Karma Yoga, Jnana Yoga, and Bhakti Yoga, theory of Karma and Reincarnation, concept of Dharma, idea of the self and realization of the self, qualities of a realized person, concept of Avatar, relevance of Mahabharata for modern times.