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Course Detail

Course Name Business Communication (BC)
Course Code 23GM101C
Program MBA
Credits 3
Course Category Skill Development
Area Skill Development


Module 1

Module 1: Understanding the Foundations of Business Communication (4.2 hours)

  1. Effective Communication
  2. Professional Communication in a Digital, Social, Mobile World Competitive priority – order winners & qualifiers
  3. Collaboration, Interpersonal Communication, and Business Etiquette
  4. Reading and Listening Tasks
  5. Communication Challenges in a Diverse, Global Market place
Module 2

Module 2: Applying the three- step writing Process (4.2 hours)

  1. Planning Business Messages
  2. Writing Business Messages, Completing Business Messages Process bottlenecks
Module 3

Module 3: Digital and Social Media Visual (4.2 hours)

  1. Digital Media, Social Media, Visual Media
  2. Email, Memorandum
Module 4

Module 4: Brief Messages (4.2 hours)

  1. Writing Routine and Positive Messages
  2. Writing Negative Messages
  3. Writing Persuasive Messages
Module 5

Module 5: Report and Proposals (4.2 hours)

  1. Finding, Evaluating, and Processing Information
  2. Planning Reports and Proposals
  3. Writing and Completing Reports and Proposals
Module 6

Module 6: Developing and Delivering Business Presentations (4.2 hours)

  1. Planning Reports and Proposals
  2. Writing and Completing Reports and Proposals
  3. Developing and delivering Business Presentations & Enhancing Presentations with Slides and other Visuals
Module 7

Module 7: Writing Employment Messages and Interviewing for jobs (4.2 hours)

  1. Building Careers and Writing Résumés
  2. Applying and Interviewing for Employment
  3. Interpersonal Communication and Meetings, Telephone Conversations and negotiations
  4. Role Play
  5. Group Presentations

Course Description & Outcomes

Course Description

Effective communication in English has become pivotal in the present-day globalized business
scenario. Young professionals who nurture dreams of rising to the topmost rung in the corporate world
have to necessarily become efficient in their communication. This course is designed to enhance the
communication capabilities of young aspirants by exposing them to all the nuances of modernworkplace
communication. It will also introduce the students to understand and work in diverse groupswith
members hailing from different backgrounds and cultures.

Course Outcomes & Learning levels

The course aims to enhance knowledge, skill and confidence among students to communicate and to be
a competent business professional. On completion of this course, students will be
CO 1: Able to plan and write customized messages and documents in the appropriate style. (Create)
CO 2: Able to participate in teams; communicate professionally and ethically using appropriate
business vocabulary with diverse audience. (Analyze)
CO 3: Able to draft brief messages, reports and proposals that address specific business
communication needs. (Create)
CO 4: Able to deliver presentations using slides and other visuals. (Apply)
CO 5: Able to develop written and oral skills to succeed in job interviews, writing effective résumé
and supporting messages. (Analyze)

Evaluation Pattern

# Assessment Component Percentage of Marks
1 Continuous Assessment * 40
2 Mid –Term Examination 20
3 End –Term Examination 40

* Based on assignments / Tests / Quizzes / Case Studies / Project / Term paper / Field visit report

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