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Course Detail

Course Name Canadian Literature
Course Code 18ELL213
Program BA (English Language and Literature), 5 Year Integrated B.A. – M.A. (English Language & Literature)
Semester IV
Credits 4
Year Taught 2019
Degree Undergraduate (UG), Integrated Degree
School School of Arts and Sciences
Campus Coimbatore, Kochi


Course Outline

Unit I: 

Introduction to Canadian
Literature-Prose, Poetry, Drama, Fiction.

Unit II:

Poetry [All Detailed].
Daniel David Moses “The Persistence of Songs”
Eli Mandel “The Mad Women of the Plaza De Mayo”
Margaret Atwood “Journey to the Interior”
Clare Harris “Framed”
Lakshmi Gill “Letter to a Prospective Immigrant”

Unit III:

Drama [Detailed].
George Ryga: The Ecstasy of Rita Joe.

Unit IV:

Prose: Northrop Frye “Conclusion to A Literary History of Canada” [Non Detailed].

Unit V:

Fiction [All Non-Detailed]. 
Sinclair Ross. As for Me and My House.
Gabrielle Roy.Enchantment and Sorrow.


To create awareness about Canadian culture and literary imagination; to make the students familiar with the unique aspects of Canadian literature; to develop in the madeep interest in the subtle thematic and technical experimentations in Canadian literature.

Core Reading

  1. Kudchedkar,Shirinand Jameela Begum A (ed.) Canadian Voices. NewDelhi:Pencraft lnternational,1996.
  2. George Ryga .The Ecstasy of Rita Joe.Toronto:Talon Books,1970
  3. Northrop Frye.The Bush Garden:Essays on the Canadian Imagination: Toronto,1971(213-252)
  4. Sinclair Ross. As for Me and My House.Toronto:New Canadian Library,1989
  5. Roy, Gabrielle. Enchantment and Sorrow. The Autobiography of Gabrielle Roy. Tr. Patricia Claxton. Toronto: University of Toronto, 1987.
  6. Brown, Russell M, Donna Bennett. Ed. An Anthology of Canadian Literature in English. 2 Vols. Toronto: OUP, 1982


  1. Bennett,Donnaand Russell M Brown(ed.) An Anthology of Canadian Literature 2 Vols. New York:OUP.1982
    New, WH, A History of Canadian Literature. MeGill: Queens Press, 2003.
  2. Israel, Milton (ed.) The South Asian Diasporain Canada. Ontario: Multi Cultural History Society,1987.
  3. Harrison, Dick. Unnamed Country: The Struggle for a Canadian Prairie Fiction. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 1977.
  4. Moses, Daniel David and Terry Goldie. Ed. An Anthology of Canadian Native Literature in English. Toronto: OUP, 1998.
  5. Howells, CoralAnn and Eva Marie Kroeller. Eds. Cambridge History of Canadian Literature. London: CUP, 2009.

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