- Determination of acceleration due to gravity using bar pendulum.
- Determination of Young’s Modulus of a given bar by Uniform bending method.
- Determination of Rigidity modulus of the given wire using Torsional pendulum.
- Determination of Coefficient of viscosity of a given liquid by Poiseulle’s method.
- Studying the liquid flow through series and parallel combinations of capillaries.
- Melde’s String-Verification of laws of vibration.
- Studies on different exciting modes of sonometer wire.
- Determination of spring constant of the given spring
- Determination of velocity of sound in air using Kundt’s tube apparatus.
- Determination of surface tension of the given liquid.
- Study of collision parameters in two dimension.
- Studying magnetic field along the axis of the coil-verification of superposition principle of magnetic field.
- Mapping of electric field.
- Study of Mutual inductance
- Deducing the magnetic properties of a sample from its Hysteresis curve on CRO