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Course Detail

Course Name Chemistry Lab I
Course Code 22PHY184
Semester 1
Credits 1

Lab Experiments

  1. Determination of acceleration due to gravity using bar pendulum.
  2. Determination of Young’s Modulus of a given bar by Uniform bending method.
  3. Determination of Rigidity modulus of the given wire using Torsional pendulum.
  4. Determination of Coefficient of viscosity of a given liquid by Poiseulle’s method.
  5. Studying the liquid flow through series and parallel combinations of capillaries.
  6. Melde’s String-Verification of laws of vibration.
  7. Studies on different exciting modes of sonometer wire.
  8. Determination of spring constant of the given spring
  9. Determination of velocity of sound in air using Kundt’s tube apparatus.
  10. Determination of surface tension of the given liquid.
  11. Study of collision parameters in two dimension.
  12. Studying magnetic field along the axis of the coil-verification of superposition principle of magnetic field.
  13. Mapping of electric field.
  14. Study of Mutual inductance
  15. Deducing the magnetic properties of a sample from its Hysteresis curve on CRO


  1. Das. R.C. and Behara. B., 1983. ‘Experiments in Physical Chemistry’, Tata McGraw-Hill.
  2. Findly. A., 1972.’ Practical Physical Chemistry’, 9th edition, Wiley.
  3. Yadav, J.B.2010. ‘Advanced Practical Physical Chemistry’, Krishna Prakashan Media, 29th Ed.

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