Unit I
(07 Hours)
Communication Skills: Introduction, Definition, The Importance of Communication, The Commu- nication Process – Source, Message, Encoding, Channel, Decoding, Receiver, Feedback, Context
Barriers to communication: Physiological Barriers, Physical Barriers, Cultural Barriers, Language Barriers, Gender Barriers, Interpersonal Barriers, Psychological Barriers, Emotional barriers
Perspectives in Communication: Introduction, Visual Perception, Language, Other factors affecting our perspective – Past Experiences, Prejudices, Feelings, Environment
Unit II
(07 Hours)
Elements of Communication: Introduction, Face to Face Communication – Tone of Voice, Body Language (Non-verbal communication), Verbal Communication, Physical Communication
Communication Styles: Introduction, The Communication Styles Matrix with example for each -Direct Communication Style, Spirited Communication Style, Systematic Communication Style, Considerate Communication Style
Unit III
(07 Hours)
Basic Listening Skills: Introduction, Self-Awareness, Active Listening, Becoming an Active Listener, Listening in Difficult Situations
Effective Written Communication: Introduction, When and When Not to Use Written Communication – Complexity of the Topic, Amount of Discussion’ Required, Shades of Meaning, Formal Communication
Writing Effectively: Subject Lines, Put the Main Point First, Know Your Audience, Organization of the Message
Unit IV
(05 Hours)
Interview Skills: Purpose of an interview, Do’s and Dont’s of an interview
Giving Presentations: Dealing with Fears, Planning your Presentation, Structuring Your Presentation, Delivering Your Presentation, Techniques of Delivery
Unit V
(04 Hours)
Group Discussion: Introduction, Communication skills in group discussion, Do’s and Dont’s of group discussion
‘Communication Skills – Theory (30 Hours)’ is a course offered in the first semester of B. Pharm program at School of Pharmacy, Health Sciences campus, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham.
Scope & Objectives
This course will prepare the young pharmacy student to interact effectively with doctors, nurses, dentists, physiotherapists and other health workers. At the end of this course the student will get the soft skills set to work cohesively with the team as a team player and will add value to the pharmaceutical business.
Upon completion of the course the student shall be able to
- Understand the behavioral needs for a Pharmacist to function effectively in the areas of pharmaceutical operation
- Communicate effectively (Verbal and Non Verbal)
- Effectivelymanage the team as a team player
- Develop interview skills
- Develop Leadership qualities and essentials