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Course Detail

Course Name Composite Materials and Mechanics
Course Code 15AES353
Program B. Tech. in Aerospace Engineering
Year Taught 2019


Unit 1

Introduction to Composites: Concept of Composite materials, Classification of Composites, Various types of composites, Classification-based on Matrix Material: Organic Matrix Composites (Polymer matrix composites (PMC) / Carbon Matrix Composites or Carbon-Carbon Composites, Advantages of Composites materials. Reinforcements and Matrices for various types of composites Fibers / Reinforcement Materials, Role and Selection of reinforcement materials, Types of fibers, Mechanical properties of fibers

Unit 2

Functions of Matrix, Desired Properties of Thermosets and Thermoplastics, Metal matrix, Ceramic matrix, Carbon Matrix, Glass Matrix etc. Laminated composites, Lamina and Laminate Lay-up, Ply-orientation definition, Manufacturing processes. Testing of Composites:Mechanical testing of composites, Tensile testing, Compressive testing.

Unit 3

Determination of longitudinal and transverse strengths of lamina, mechanics of short fiber composites, stress-strain relationships of anisotropic lamina with arbitrary orientations, analysis of laminated composites, types of laminates, stress-strain variation in laminates using classical lamination theory, thermal stresses in laminates, different types of failure criteria, introduction to inter-laminar stresses in composites

Text Books

  1. Jones R. M., “Mechanics of Composite Materials”, Hemisphere Publishing Corporation, New York


  • Agarwal B. D. and Broutmen L. J. “Analysis and performance of Fiber Composites”, John Wiley and Sons, New York 1990.
  • Chawla, Krishan K (2012), Composite Materials, Science and Engineering, ISBN: 978-0-387- 74365, Springer.
  • Sam Zhang, Dongliang Zhao (2013), Aerospace Materials Handbook, ISBN: 978-1-4398- 7329-8, Taylor and Francis.
  • Leonard Hollaway (1994), Handbook of Polymer Composite for Engineers, ISBN: 1-85573- 1290, Woodhead Publishing Ltd.

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