Unit 1
Introduction and Performance of Computing system, Processor Architecture with example as MIPS & Instruction Set, Single Cycle Datapath Design, Control Hardware, Computer Arithmetic, Floating Point Arithmetic, Role of performance.
Course Name | Computer Organization and Architecture |
Course Code | 15CSE301 |
Program | B. Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering |
Semester | Five |
Year Taught | 2019 |
Introduction and Performance of Computing system, Processor Architecture with example as MIPS & Instruction Set, Single Cycle Datapath Design, Control Hardware, Computer Arithmetic, Floating Point Arithmetic, Role of performance.
Introduction to multicycle datapath, Pipelining Technique – Design Issues, Hazards: Structural Hazards, Data Hazards and Control Hazards, Static Branch Prediction, Dynamic Branch Prediction, Advanced Concepts in pipelining.
Memory Organization – Introduction, Cache Memory Organization, Main Memory & Interleaving, I/O Organization, Modern Processors, Parallel Processing.
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