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Course Detail

Course Name Computer Science Essentials
Course Code 15CSE111
Program B. Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering
Semester Two
Year Taught 2019


Unit 1

Introduction to Computer Science: Role of Algorithms, History of Computing, Science of Algorithms, Abstractions. Basics of data encoding and storage: Bits and their storage, Main memory, Mass Storage, Representing Information as Bit Patterns. Machine Architecture: CPU Basics, Stored Program concepts, Machine Language Introduction with example, Program Execution with illustrative example.

Unit 2

Operating Systems: History of OS, OS Architecture, Coordinating Machine Activities. Networking and the Internet: Network Fundamentals, The Internet, The World Wide Web. Software Engineering: Introduction, Software Life Cycle. Database Systems: Database Fundamentals, Relational Model.


Unit 3

Computer Graphics: Scope of Computer Graphics, Overview of 3D Graphics. Artificial Intelligence: Intelligence and Machines, Perception, Reasoning. An Introduction to topics of research in the department.

Text Books

  • J. Glenn Brookshear, “Computer Science: An Overview”, Addison-Wesley, Twelfth Edition, 2014.


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