Module 1: Conservation Science
Introduction to preservation of cultural heritage materials. Highlight on the challenges faced in preservation and restoration of cultural heritage materials both in museum and outdoor environment context- buildings, monuments, and collections. Ethical and contextual aspects with reference to changing values in conservation of cultural materials. Introduction to conservation studies, basic terminologies: Manuscripts, Artifacts, Archelogical objects – stone, ivory, potteryand ceramics, Archivial objects. Concepts of light, colour, theoriescolour and constitution, colour wheel, complementary colour. Chemical bonding, Secondary interactions and their relations to degradation processes. Various natural and synthetic materials that are used in conservation treatments. Transporting and storing cultural properties. Principles, Practice and Ethics in the Conservation of Cultural Heritage Materials: International organizations like, ICOM, ICOMOS, IIC, AIC, ICCROM, ICON, ECCO, ICCM etc.International Charters and Conventions like Venice charter, ICOM-CC resolutions etc.
Module 2: Materials in Conservation
Chemical properties of surfactants, emulsions, natural and synthetic coatings and adhesives, degradation, mechanical properties, polymer additives. DI water and its significance in conservation. Inorganic materials: Barium Hydroxides, Calcium oxide, Ammonia. Organic Compounds: Acetone, toluene, Xylene etc., Natural product derived materials- essential oils, fibers, cellulose and starch based materials.
Module 3: Analytical methods of identification and characterization
Scientific principles behind SEM. TEM, ETEM, STEM, SPL, SIMS, PES (UPES &XPES) XRD, SEM –EDX, X – ray Fluorescence spectroscopy, FESEM, PL spectroscopy, AFM, Optical lithography, BET surface analysis.
Module 4: Technical aspects of Conservation
Scientific principles behind preventive conservation. Indigenous materials for preventive conservation: Deterioration, Factors affecting deterioration and their control measures.The theory of surface cleaning, solvent action and varnish removal is covered in lectures and demonstrated in the studio. Recent developments and practical approaches in the cleaning of paintings are discussed including cleaning controversies. Approaches to the visual re-integration of paintings and retouching are presented and reinforced through activities and studio work.
Module 5: Conservation of Palm leaf
Palm-leaf manuscripts: Types of palm leafs- Palmyra palm, Talipot, CoryphatalieraRoxb, properties. Preparation techniques for palm leaf Manuscripts,Writing system.Deterioration of Palm Leaf manuscripts, Conservation Treatment,ancient preservation techniques. Preservation Problems of palm leaf- Fumigation, Cleaning, Remedial Treatment, Oiling. Periodic assessments of treated palm leavess .
It is a foundation course and aims to familiarize students with various aspects of conservation
Mode of Transaction
Lecture sessions, Assignments,Presentations