Data Structure Hierarchy – Primitive – datatypes and their representations, Interger, 2;s complement, IEEE756 Floating point-single and double precision – String and character representation types-Unicode and UTF-8 encodings- Predefined – Arrays and Structures- Records types-Class and Objects as Types- User Defined- Linear structures-, Array subscripting and indexing- Concept of pointers- pointers as array names, self-referential structure, List, Linked implementation- array implementation. Variations on basic List, Doubly linked list, indexed List, Skip lists, Vectors, Sets, Maps and Dictionaries as application of basic list. Higher order Concept Data Structures. Stacks- stack invariants-push and pop- invariant variables, stack array, stack list, applications of stack- nested bracket validation, postfix expression evaluation. Stack uses in Computers-recursion-some recursion examples-factorial and Fibonacci- Queue- invariants-enqueue and queue- invariant variables- circular queue array, queue list- applications of queue- job scheduling- variations on basic queue- Double ended Queue and Priority queue – Nonlinear structures – Binary tree- Binary search Tree (BST) and lexicographic orderingarray and list implementations -Complete binary tree array – Set using a BST list- applications of Binary Trees – Binary Heap Data structure-Heap order and Heapsort- heap as a priority queue- balanced binary trees and AVL self-balancing trees. some more tree based structures. Traversals of Binary trees Depth traversals- in-order, pre-order and post-order Breadth traversal. Reconstructions of Binary trees from traversals.
- M. Tech. in Automotive Engineering -
- Fellowship in Infectious Diseases Adult & Pediatric ID - Fellowship