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Course Detail

Course Name Electrical and Electronics Engineering Practice
Course Code 19EEE182
Program B. Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE), B. Tech. in Electronics and Computer Engineering
Semester 1, 2
Year Taught 2019

Course Outcomes

On completion of the course the students will be able to:

  • create basic electrical connections for domestic applications
  • measure the various electrical parameters in the circuit
  • construct and analyze basic electronic circuits
  • construct the amplifier circuits using Op-Amp

List of Experiments


  1. a)Wiring practices
    b) Study of Electrical protection systems.
  2. Verification of circuit theorem
  3. VI characteristics of PN junction and Zener diode
  4. Implementation of Half wave and Full wave rectifier using PN junction diode
  5. Transistor as a switch
  6. Characteristics of BJT
  7. Experiment on Thyristor
  8. Implementation of inverting and non-inverting amplifier using Op-amp
  9. Experiments on Oscillators and Multivibrators

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