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Unit 1

Conducting materials: The nature of chemical bond, crystal structure Ohm’s law and the relaxation time, collision time, electron scattering and resistivity of metals, heat developed in a current carrying conductor, thermal conductivity of metals, superconductivity.

Semiconducting materials: Classifying materials as semiconductors, chemical bonds in Si and Ge and it’s consequences, density of carriers in intrinsic semiconductors, conductivity of intrinsic semiconductors, carrier densities in n type semiconductors, n type semiconductors, Hall effect and carrier density.

Unit 2

Magnetic materials: Classification of magnetic materials, diamagnetism, origin of permanent, magnetic dipoles in matter, paramagnetic spin systems, spontaneous magnetization and Curie Weiss law, ferromagnetic domains and coercive force, anti ferromagnetic materials, ferrites and it’s applications.

Unit 3

Dielectric materials: Static dielectric constant, polarization and dielectric constant, internal field in solids and liquids, spontaneous polarization, piezoelectricity.

PN junction: Drift currents and diffusion currents, continuity equation for minority carriers, quantitative treatment of the p-n junction rectifier, the n-p-n transistor.

Text Books

  1. A J Decker, “Electrical Engineering materials”, PHI, New Delhi, 1957.


  • A J Decker, “Solid State Physics”, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N J 1957.
  • C Kittel, “Introduction to solid state Physics”, Wieley, New York, 1956 (2nd edition).
  • Allison, Electronic Engineering materials and Devices, Tata Mc Graw Hill
  • F K Richtmyer E H Kennard, John N Copper, “Modern Physics”, Tata Mc Graw Hill, 1995 (5th edition).

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