Familiarization of electronic components (passive and active components), Resistor, Inductor and capacitor. Study of measuring instruments (Voltmeter, Ammeter and Multimeter). Verification of OHM’s law. Measurement and theoretical Verification of series and parallel combination of resistors and capacitors. Familiarization of CRO and function generator, Rectifier circuits, Soldering and De-soldering practice.
Study on power supply and protective devices, Study on basic electrical tools and electrical accessories, Study on various lighting technologies, Study on house hold appliances: Iron box, Fan, Refrigerator, Air conditioner, Food Mixer/grinder Domestic wiring practices: Glow an incandescent lamp using SPST switch, Glow a fluorescent lamp using SPST switch, Operate a fan and an incandescent lamp using two independent SPST switch, Operate a fluorescent lamp and a 3 pin socket using two independent SPST switch, Staircase wiring.