Unit 1
Induction machines – Construction, time and space harmonics, starting and speed control, testing, circle diagram, equivalent circuit, performance curves, torque speed characteristics, slip ring induction motors.
Course Name | Electrical Machines II |
Course Code | 15EEE303 |
Program | B. Tech. in Electrical and Electronics Engineering |
Semester | Five |
Year Taught | 2019 |
Induction machines – Construction, time and space harmonics, starting and speed control, testing, circle diagram, equivalent circuit, performance curves, torque speed characteristics, slip ring induction motors.
Synchronous machines – construction, generators and motors, salient pole and non-salient pole synchronous machines, characteristics, regulation, parallel operation, operation on infinite Bus, real and reactive power control, power angle curve, stability analysis, Transient and sub transient reactance.
The fractional horse power motors, types, Single phase Induction Motor, construction, starting, Equivalent circuit, performance curves, shaded pole motors, hysteresis motors etc.
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