Course Outline
Unit 1
General Introduction- What is Criticism?
Nature and Function Definitions.
Unit 2
Classical Criticism
Introduction to Aristotle, Longinus, Horace-basic concepts.
Unit 3
Renaissance and Neo-classical Criticism-Sir Philip Sidney-‘Defence of Poetry’-Basic precepts of Dryden, Pope and Dr.Johnson in criticism.
Unit 4
Romantic and Victorian Criticism – Wordsworth – ‘Preface to Lyrical Ballads’- Coleridge-‘BiographiaLiteraria’ (Chapter XIV)-Matthew Arnold – ‘The Function of Criticism in the Present Time’.
Unit 5
Modern Criticism-Eliot and Modernism-‘Tradition and Individual Talent’- I.A.Richards-‘Practical Criticism’-F R Leavis “Poetry and the Modern World”