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Course Detail

Course Name Energy Balance and Thermodynamics
Course Code 15MEC201
Program B. Tech. in Mechanical Engineering
Semester Three
Year Taught 2019


Unit 1

Introduction and importance of thermodynamics, different approaches in the study of thermodynamics, SI units, basic concepts and definitions – system, surroundings, types of systems, properties. Pressure measurement, thermodynamic equilibrium, quasi static process, cyclic process, and thermodynamic energy interactions – evaluation of work type interaction, heat interaction, energy and forms of energy, history of laws of thermodynamics.

First law for closed system, analysis of closed systems. Concept of Zeroth Law, thermometry, temperature scales.

Open systems – Conservation of Mass applied to control volume, application of steady state flow process for typical Work and Heat transfer devices. Throttling process, application of throttling process.

Unit 2

Second Law of Thermodynamics – statement of Kelvin-Planck and Clausius, Heat Engines, Heat Pump, Refrigerators – Reversible and Irreversible processes, the Carnot Cycle, Carnot engine and Carnot theorems.

The inequality of Clausius and thermodynamic Temperature scale, concept of entropy, Entropy change in different processes, principle of increase in entropy for closed systems.

Unit 3

Thermodynamic properties of fluids, Pure Substance, phase-change process of pure substance, P-V-T surface, T-v, p-v and other diagrams, specific internal energy and enthalpy and other properties and steam tables.

Perfect gas, equation of state, specific heats, characterization of thermodynamic processes. Real gas models – Van der waals equation, compressibility chart.

Thermodynamic property relations: Introduction, important mathematical relations, cyclic rule, Maxwell relations, enthalpy, entropy, internal energy and specific heat relations; Clausius-Clapeyron equation, Joule Thomson coefficient and inversion line.

Text Books

  • Cengel Y. A. and Boles M. A. ‘Thermodynamics – an Engineering Approach’ – Tata McGraw hill – 2014 – 8th Edition


  • Sonntag R. E., Borgnakke C. and Van Wylen, G. – “Fundamentals of Thermodynamics” – John Wiley and Sons – 2008 – 7th Edition
  • Saad M. A. – ‘Thermodynamics: Principles and Practice’ – Prentice Hall, New Jersey – 1998 – 2nd Edition
  • John R. Howell and Richard D. Buckius – ‘Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics’ – McGraw Hill – 1987 – International Edition

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