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Course Detail

Course Name Engineering Graphics – CAD
Course Code 15CVL112
Program B. Tech. in Civil Engineering
Semester Two
Year Taught 2019


Section of Solids: Introduction, Section planes, Sectional views, apparent shapes and true shapes of sections of right regular prisms, cylinders, pyramids and cones.

Development of lateral surfaces: Introduction, Development of lateral surfaces of prisms, cylinders, pyramids and cones.

Isometric Projection: Introduction, Isometric scale, Isometric projection of prisms, pyramids, cylinders, cones

Orthographic Views of 3 dimensional solids.

Building Drawing: Construction details – Masonry, Footings.

Development of Plan, Section and Elevation of Simple Residential building.

Text Books

  1. Bhat N. D. and Panchal V. M., “Engineering Drawing Plane and Solid Geometry, 42e, Charoatar Publishing House, 2010
  2. Dr. Balagopal T S Prabhu, Dr. K. Vinent Paul and Dr. C. Vijayan., “Building Design and Civil Engineering Drawing”, Spades Publishers & Distributors, Calicut, 2012.


  • James D. Bethune, “Engineering Graphics with AutoCAD”, Pearson Education, 2014
  • K. R. Gopalakrishna, “Engineering Drawing”, 2014, Subhas Publications
  • Narayan K. L. and Kannaiah P, Engineering Drawing, SciTech Publications, 2003

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