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Course Detail

Course Name English / Creative Writing and Soft Skills
Course Code ENG 101
Program BSc. in Biotechnology, BSc. in Microbiology
Semester Two
Credits Three
Year Taught 2019


1. Text-English and Soft Skills-S P Dhanavel

            (Comprising different authors representing different stories each dealing with a soft skill)


Spoken English – Introduction to English sounds/ Rhythm/ Pronunciation/

Practice: Short speeches/ Conversation.

Written English – Letters: formal and informal/ Paragraph: writing, analysis/

Essays/ Definitions: short, expanded/ Graphical Representation/

Writing Memos, Circulars, Notices/ Reports: lab, process etc.

Listening – Listening: for comprehension/ accent/ pronunciation

Reading – Intensive and extensive

Syllabus - Year Taught
2015 2014

Text Books

  1. English for students of Science – Orient Longmans
  2. Spoken English for you – Emerald
  3. English Basics (a companion to grammar and writing) – Cambridge
  4. A communicative grammar of English, III Ed. – Pearson
  5. Effective English for Technical Communication – Emerald Publishers
  6. Spoken English in 4 Easy Steps – ESN pbl


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