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Course Detail

Course Name English Prose: The Elizabethan to the Augustan
Course Code 18ELL103
Program BA (English Language and Literature), 5 Year Integrated B.A. – M.A. (English Language & Literature)
Semester I
Credits 4
Year Taught 2019
Degree Undergraduate (UG), Integrated Degree
School School of Arts and Sciences
Campus Coimbatore, Kochi


Course Ouline

Types of essays – persuasive, descriptive, satirical, argumentative and expository -diaries -travel writing – speeches. Bacon -Father ofEnglish essay. Major essayists.

Unit I: 

Introduction to the English essay-Formal/Impersonal- Informal/Personal essays.

Types of Essays-Periodical/Critical Essays.

Unit II:

Francis Bacon: “Of Truth”[Detailed].

“Of Studies”[Detailed].

“Of Great Places” [Non-Detailed].

“Of Travel” [Non-Detailed].

Unit III:

Sydney: “Apology for Poetry” [Non- Detailed].

Unit IV:

Joseph Addison: “Sir Roger at the Theatre[Detailed]. 

Richard Steele: “The Trumpet Club”[Detailed].

Unit V:

Oliver Goldsmith: “Man in Black”[Non- Detailed].

“National Prejudices”[Detailed]. 

Dr. Johnson “Letter to Lord Chesterfield”[Detailed].

Scope and Objectives

On completion of the course, the student should be able to: Recognize varioustypes of prose writing; analyse, understand and appreciate prose writing; write creatively and critically in an expository or argumentative way.


  1. Hudson, WH. An Introduction to the Study of English Literature. Chapter: ‘The Study of The Essay’.
  2. Cairncross, A S. Ed. Eight Essayists.
  3. Gross, John. The Oxford Book of Essays. OUP, 2008.

Core Reading

  1. Nayar. M.G.A Galaxy of English Essayists. Macmillan.
  2. Thampi, GB.Mohan. Reflections. New Delhi: Pearson. 2012.

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