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Unit I: Basics of Environment and Management

Introduction to Resources: Water-Land-Forest-Minerals-Energy. Principles of Ecotourism – Types of Ecotourism. Impacts of Ecotourism. Public health: communicable diseases, mode of transmission (epidemic and endemic diseases) Occupational health and safety Industrial safety and management techniques Safety management system EMS ISO14001

Unit II: Solid Waste Management

Classification of solid wastes, waste characteristics and quantitative estimation of municipalsolidwaste,factorsaffectingsolidwastemanagement,wastehierarchy,solid waste generation, storage, handling, transport, and disposal. Disposal Methods: (i) composting, (ii) sanitary landfill, (iii) waste to energy, leachate management for landfills, Integrated waste management, Hazardous waste management, other wastes, andtheirmanagement-constructionanddemolitionwaste,bio-medicalwaste,e-waste, plastics waste, nuclear and radioactive waste, legal provisions for wasteManagement

Unit III: Environmental Impact Assessment

EnvironmentalImpactAssessment-Environmentalchangeandeffects,EIAtheoryand objective – EIA output and outcome objectives- origins and development of EIA. Environmental Impact Assessment Practice: screening procedures, screening approaches – Is EIA required? – Type of EIA, Scoping and environmental baseline assessments: Scoping requisites -identification of projectalternatives, predicting

environmental impacts: Impact prediction- predicting impacts on the biophysical environment, managing project impacts, determining impact significance, public participation in EIA.

Course Objectives

  • To provide awareness of the processes involved in environmental resource
  • To learn about the concepts of environmental impact assessment and environmental management plan

Course Outcome (COs)

CO1: Study the concepts of resource management and safety
CO2: Train the students on the processing and management of different types of waste like municipal solid waste, electronic waste, hazardous waste, and biomedical waste CO3: Understand the overview of environmental impact analysis

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CO1 1 2 3 3 2 2
CO2 3 1 3 3 3 2 1 1 2
CO3 2 1 3 3 2 1 2


  1. Jayarama P. 2011. Municipal Solid Waste Management: Processing, energy recovery global examples, BSP Books Pvt Ltd.Hyderabad
  2. Bhatia, S.C. 2007. Solid and hazardous waste management. Atlantic Publishers and
  3. Khan, M.K. 2004. Hospital Waste Management: Principles and Guidelines, Kanishka Publishers, NewYork.
  4. H.F and Liptak. G.B .2000. Environmental Engineer’s Handbook, Second Edition, Lewis Publishers, NewYork
  5. T.V.2006. Management of Municipal Solid Waste, Capital PublishingCompany
  6. Tchobanoglous G and Kreith. F.2002. Handbook of Solid Waste Management, Second Edition, McGraw, HillCompanies.
  7. Tchobanoglous G, Rowe. R.D and Peavy. H. 1985. Environmental Engineering, International Edition, McGraw –Hill Book Co.Singapore
  8. Introduction to Environmental Impact Assessment, John Glasson, RikiTherivel Daniel D. Chiras, Environmental Science. Jones & Bartlett Publishers, 01-Feb-2012, 669 pages. ISBN:9781449645311.
  9. Introduction to Environmental Impact Assessment, Bram F.Noble
  10. Weaver, D. B (2001) The Encyclopedia of Ecotourism, CABI, Publishing,U.K.
  11. J.,1998.Handbookofoccupationalsafetyandhealth,JohnWilley, NewYork

Evaluation Pattern

Assessment Internal External
Continuous Evaluation 20%  
Mid-Term 30%  
End Semester exam   50%

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