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Course Detail

Course Name Essentials of Cybersecurity
Course Code 18SN611
Program M. Tech. in Cyber Security Systems & Networks
Semester 1
Credits Amritapuri
Year Taught 2018



Linux: Install Linux using a VM. Installing softwares in linux using apt, Using the shell, changing passwords, resetting password from GRUB, password protecting GRUB, installing mysql on docker, connecting to other linux machines using SSH, configuring passwordless login using SSH, verifying file integrity

IPtables: Configuring iptables, exercises using iptables (blocking a particular service, blocking a particular port, whitelisting, blocking IP from a certain country) Cookie Stealing Lab: Locating cookies in file system, Install firebug plugin to export cookie and importing it in another machine, automating cookie stealing using python.

Secure Email using gpg: Setting up gpg keys, securing email using gpg

Openssl Lab: Encryption and decryption using openssl

Information Gathering: Enumerating Ports, SMB, SMTP, SNMP; Using to scan IoT devices; Vulnerability scanning using OpenVAS

Metasploit: Installing and setting up, MSF, Payloads, Exploiting using Metasploit

Password Cracking: Dictionary attack, Keyspacebruteforce, using online tools (Ncrack, Hydra), Password hash attacks

Capture the Flag exercises: Basic exercises in Crypto, Reverse Engineering, forensics and exploitation using InCTFj

Text Books / References


“Essentials of Cybersecurity” is a course offered in the first semester of M. Tech. in Cyber Security Systems & Networks program at School of Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri.

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