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Unit 1

1 The anatomy of ‘Excellence’. What is ‘excellence’? Is it judged by external factors like wealth?

2 The Great Flaw. The subject-object relationship between individual and world. Promote subject enhance excellence.

3 To work towards excellence, one must know where he is. Our present state… An introspective analysis. Our faculties within.

Unit 2

4 The play of the mind. Emotions – convert weakness into strength.

5 The indispensible role of the intellect. How to achieve and apply clear thinking?

6 The quagmire of thought.The doctrine of Karma – Law of Deservance.

7 Increase Productivity, reduce stress.. work patterning.

Unit 3

8 The art of right contact with the world.assessment, expectations.

9 Myths and Realities on key issues like richness, wisdom, spirituality.

10 Collect yourself, there is no time to waste. The blue-print of perfect action.

Text Books


  • The Bhaja Govindam and the Bhagavad Gita.

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