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Course Detail

Course Name Experimental Aerodynamics
Course Code 15AES342
Program B. Tech. in Aerospace Engineering
Year Taught 2019


Unit 1

Examples of Fluid Mechanics Measurements: Wind-Tunnel Studies, Turbulent Mixing Layer, Spatial and Temporal Resolution in Measurements, Classification of Deterministic Data, Random Data, Signal Analysis and Uncertainty Analysis.

Unit 2

Qualitative Characterization: Flow Visualization in Liquid and Gaseous Medium, Colored Filament, Smoke, Vapor and Tufts Visualization, Image Processing Techniques, Identifying Structures – Optical Systems for Flow Measurement: Shadowgraph, Schlieren and Interferometric Techniques.

Unit 3

Quantitative Characterization: Drag Measurements, Static Probes, Pressure Sensitive Paints (PSP), Velocity Measurements, Pitot-Static Probe, Theromocouple, Thermal Anemometers (Hot Wire and Film Sensors), Laser Velocimetry (LDA), Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV).

Text Books

  1. Cameron Tropea, Alexander L Yarin, John F Foss, “Springer Handbook of Experimental Fluid Mechanics,” Springer, 2007.


  • Richard J Goldstein, “Fluid Mechanics Measurements,” 2nd edition, Taylor & Francis, 1996.
  • Wolfgang Merzkirch, “Flow Visualization,” Academic Press, 1974.

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