Unit 1
Principles of Statics – Introduction to Mechanics, Basic Concepts, Fundamentals and Principles. Statics of Particles in two dimension-Resolution of forces, Resultant force, equilibrium of particle, Freebody diagram, Lami’s theorem. Statics of Rigid Bodies in two dimensions-Moment of a force about a point, Varignon’s theorem, moment of a couple, resolution of a force system into a force couple system, reduction to a single force system. Equilibrium of rigid bodies-Analysis of beams, supports and reactions.
Unit 2
Thermodynamics – Introduction, Concepts of thermodynamic system, properties – specific volume, pressure, temperature – Zeroth law of thermodynamics, energy forms – work and heat.
First Law of Thermodynamics – for a closed system undergoing a cycle, for a process, energy as a property, specific heats, first law of TD applied to steady flow devices.
Second Law of Thermodynamics – concept of heat engines and refrigerators, Kelvin plank and Clausius statements, irreversibility, Carnot cycle, Clausius inequality, thermodynamic temperature scale, concept of entropy, principle of increase of entropy.