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Course Detail

Course Name Hospital Pharmacy – Practical
Program Pharm. D.
Semester Seven & Eight
Year Taught 2014 , 2015 , 2016 , 2017 , 2018


‘Hospital Pharmacy – Practical’ is a course offered in the fourth year of Pharm. D. program at School of Pharmacy, Health Sciences campus, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham.


Course Duration: 3 Hrs./Week

  1. Assessment of drug interactions in the given prescriptions
  2. Manufacture of parenteral formulations, powders.
  3. Drug information queries.
  4. Inventory control


  1. Design and Management of Hospital pharmacy department for a 300 bedded hospital.
  2. Pharmacy and Therapeutics committee – Organization, functions, and limitations.
  3. Development of a hospital formulary for 300 bedded teaching hospital
  4. Preparation of ABC analysis of drugs sold in one month from the pharmacy.
  5. Different phases of clinical trials with elements to be evaluated.
  6. Various sources of drug information and systematic approach to provide unbiased drug information.
  7. Evaluation of prescriptions generated in hospital for drug interactions and find out the suitable man- agement.

Special requirements:

  1. Each college should sign MoU with nearby local hospital having minimum 150 beds for providing nec- essary training to the students’ on hospital pharmacy activities.
  2. Well equipped with various resources of drug information.

Scheme of Practical Examination:

Sessionals Annual
Synopsis 05 15
Major Experiment 10 25
Minor Experiment 03 15
Viva 02 15
Max Marks 20 70
Duration 03 hrs 04 hrs

Note : Total sessional marks is 30 (20 for practical sessional plus 10 marks for regularity, promptness, viva-voce and record maintenance).

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