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Course Detail

Course Name Human Physiology
Program BSc. in Biotechnology
Semester Four
Credits Three
Year Taught 2019


  1. Basic cell physiology-Cell- Introduction, Cell Organelles,Cell membrane,Movement of the substances and water through the cell membrane,Bioelectric potentials
  2. Neuro muscular system-Muscles- Skeletal muscles-Properties of skeletal muscles, Muscular    contraction and relaxation, Neuromuscular junction,Sarcotubular system,Smooth muscle- mechanism of contraction
  3. Nervous system-Sensory nervous system, Motor nervous system ,Higher functions of the nervous system,Synapse, ReflexesCerebrospinal fluid, Blood brain and blood CSF barrier
  4. Blood and lymph-Functions of Blood,Hemopoesis,Erythropoeisis,Anemias,granulocytes and agranulocytes,Macrophage system, lama proteins,Hemostasis,Blood groups.
  5.  Circulatory system– Functional anatomy of the heart, Properties of cardiac muscles,Conducting system of the heart ,Pressure changes during cardiac cycles, Capillary circulation, Arterial  and venous blood pressure
  6. Gastro intestinal system– General structure of alimentary canal,Gastric secretion, Pancreatic secretion, Gastric motility-digestive peristalsis Gastrointestinal hormones
  7. Renal physiology– Structure of kidney, Nephrones, Juxtra glomerular filtrate,Reabsorption, Secretion-mechanism of secretion, Concentrating  and diluting mechanism of urine,Dialysis
  8. Respiratory system-Mechanism of breathing, Ventilation,Regulation of respiration, Transport of gases,Hypoxia, Artificial ventilation, Non respiratory functions of the lungs
  9. Endocrinology-Endocrine glands, hormones ,their functions
Syllabus - Year Taught
2015 2014

Text Books

  1. Guyton AC and Hall JE,Text book of medical  physiology.


  1. Ganong WF Review of Medical Physiology.
  2. JOHNSON, Leonard R,Essential Medical Physiology
  3. Nordin M and Frankel VH,Basic biomechanics of the musculoskeleton system,Lippincot,Williams and Wilkins.
  4. Foundation and principle of bacteriology-A.J.Salle

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