- Basic cell physiology-Cell- Introduction, Cell Organelles,Cell membrane,Movement of the substances and water through the cell membrane,Bioelectric potentials
- Neuro muscular system-Muscles- Skeletal muscles-Properties of skeletal muscles, Muscular contraction and relaxation, Neuromuscular junction,Sarcotubular system,Smooth muscle- mechanism of contraction
- Nervous system-Sensory nervous system, Motor nervous system ,Higher functions of the nervous system,Synapse, ReflexesCerebrospinal fluid, Blood brain and blood CSF barrier
- Blood and lymph-Functions of Blood,Hemopoesis,Erythropoeisis,Anemias,granulocytes and agranulocytes,Macrophage system, lama proteins,Hemostasis,Blood groups.
- Circulatory system– Functional anatomy of the heart, Properties of cardiac muscles,Conducting system of the heart ,Pressure changes during cardiac cycles, Capillary circulation, Arterial and venous blood pressure
- Gastro intestinal system– General structure of alimentary canal,Gastric secretion, Pancreatic secretion, Gastric motility-digestive peristalsis Gastrointestinal hormones
- Renal physiology– Structure of kidney, Nephrones, Juxtra glomerular filtrate,Reabsorption, Secretion-mechanism of secretion, Concentrating and diluting mechanism of urine,Dialysis
- Respiratory system-Mechanism of breathing, Ventilation,Regulation of respiration, Transport of gases,Hypoxia, Artificial ventilation, Non respiratory functions of the lungs
- Endocrinology-Endocrine glands, hormones ,their functions