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Course Detail

Course Name Indian Literatures in English Translation
Course Code 18ELL513
Program 5 Year Integrated B.A. – M.A. (English Language & Literature)
Semester IX
Year Taught 2019
Degree Integrated Degree
School School of Arts and Sciences
Campus Kochi


Course Outline

Unit 1


Indian literatures-its polyphony-translations-theoretical perspectives.

Unit 2

Novel [Non-Detailed]

Sara Joseph: Gift in Green (Malayalam)
Rabindranath Tagore: The Home and the World (Bengali)

Unit 3

Short Story [All Non-Detailed]

Vasanthi: Murder [Tamil]
Saadat Hasan Manto:“Toba Tek Singh” (Urdu)
BhishamSahni: “The Boss Came to Dinner” (Hindi)
Damodar Mauzo: “The Vow” (Konkani)
Rameshwardayal Shrimali: “Jasoda” (Rajasthani)

Unit 4


Devara Dasimayya: “Suppose You Cut a Tall Bamboo” (Kannada, Tr. A. K. Ramanujan) [Detailed]
ThanjamIbopishak Singh “I Want to be Killed by an Indian Bullet” (Manipuri, Tr. Robin Ngangom) [Detailed]
Navakanta Barua “Measurements” (Assamese, Tr. D. N. Bezbaruah) [Non-Detailed]
Sitanshu Yashaschandra “Magan’s Insolence” (Gujarati, Tr. SaleemPeeradina) [Non-Detailed]
Khadar Mohiuddin “A Certain Fiction Bit Me” (Telugu, Tr. Velcheru Narayan Rao) [Detailed]
K. Ayyappa Paniker. “The Itch” (Malayalam Tr. K. AyyappaPaniker) [Detailed]
Amrita Pritam “The Creative Process” (Punjabi Tr. By Arlene Zide and Amrita Pritam) [NonDetailed]
SubramaniaBharati. “Wind, 9” (Tamil. Tr. A. K. Ramanujan) [Detailed]
Agyeya. “Hiroshima” (Hindi Tr. Leonard Nathan) [Detailed]
Sitakant Mahapatra. “The Election” (Oriya. Tr.SitakantMahapatra) [Non-Detailed]
Sunil Gangopadhyay. “Calcutta and I” (Bengali. Tr. Sujit Mukherjee, Meenakshi Mukherjee)  [Detailed]
Daya Pawar. “The Buddha” (Marathi. Tr. Eleanor Zelliot and JayantKarve) [Non-Detailed]
Munib-ur-Rahman. “Tall Buildings” (Urdu. Tr. Kathleen Grant Jaeger, BaidarBakht) [NonDetailed]

Unit 5


Mohan Rakesh: One Day in the Season of Rain
Girish Karnad: The Fire and The Rain


To introduce the students to the rich and varied literature available in regional languages; to expose them to the Indian ethos; to inculcate a sense of appreciation for the Indian literary genius; to understand the texture of Indian society and cultures.

Core Reading

  1. Dharwadker, Vinay and A.K. Ramanujan (ed.)The Oxford Anthology of Modern Indian Poetry. Delhi: OUP, 1994.
  2. E.V.Ramakrishnan. (ed.) Indian Short Stories 1900-2000.New Delhi: SahithyaAkademi, 2017.
  3. Sara Joseph: Gift in Green. Tr. ValsonThampu. Harper Perennial, 2011.
  4. Rakesh, Mohan. One Day in the Season of Rain. Penguin, 2015.
  5. Karnad, Girish. Ed. Collected Plays. Vol. II. Delhi: OUP, 2005.


  1. Ramakrishnan, E V. Locating Indian Literature: Texts, Traditions, Translations. Hyderabad: Orient Blackswan, 2017.
  2. Indigenous Imaginaries. Literature, Region, Modernity.Hyderabad: Orient Blackswan, 2017.
  3. et al., eds. Interdisciplinary Alter-Native in Comparative Literature. New Delhi: Sage, 2013.
  4. AmiyaDev and Sisirkumar Das (Ed) Comparative Literature: Theory & Practice, Allied Publishers New Delhi
  5. Indian Literature. New Delhi: Kendra SahityaAkademi (relevant issues). 2008.
  6. Natarajan, Nalini. “Introduction: Regional Literature of India: Paradigms and Contexts.” Handbook of Twentieth Century Literature of India. Ed. Nalini Natarajan. London: Greenwood, 1996. 1 – 20. Print.
  7. Online sources.

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