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Course Detail


Unit 1

Computer hardware and system software concepts: Computer Architecture, system software, Operating Systems, Computer Networking. Programming fundamentals; problem solving concepts, modular approach through use of functions, error handling techniques, structured Programming and data structures, structured statements, string handling functions, sorting and searching, file handling functions, Object oriented concepts; Managing software complexity, concepts of object oriented programming, abstraction, class, object, member data, member methods, encapsulation, data hiding, inheritance, polymorphism, binding.

Unit 2

Analysis of algorithms; principles and tools for analysis of algorithms, analysis of popular algorithms, code tuning techniques, intractable problems, Relational Database management; basic RDBMS concepts, database design, SQL comments, embedded SQL concepts, OLTP concepts.

Unit 3

System development methodology; software engineering development life cycle (SDLC), quality concepts and quality system procedures, analysis and design methods, structured programming concepts and principles of coding, software testing. User interface design: process of user interface design, elements of user interface design, speech user interface, web design issues. Introduction of web architecture: basic architecture of web application, security, and performance of web based applications, architecture documents.

Text Books


  • Andrew. S. Tanenbanum, “Structured Computer Organization”, Fourth Edition, PHI, 1999.
  • Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth, S. Sudharshan, “Database System Concepts”, Fourth Edition, Tata McGraw, 1997.
  • Roger S. Pressman, “Software Engineering – A practitioner’s approach”, Sixth Edition, McGraw Hill Publishers, 2004

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